TOF Reconstruction, Calibration & Test-beam Simulation Jiang Linli 2005/6/1 (13th BES Annual Meeting )
Outline TOF reconstruction software status TOF primary calibration introduction A Geant4 simulation of the TOF model test-beam Summary
Measure the flight time of charged particles. Comparing the measured time against the predicted time. Particle identification. BESIII Design TOF Physics Target : Particle ID
Barrel TOF Endcap TOF
TOF Reconstruction Principle
TOF Reconstruction Software Feature Experience from Belle TOF reconstruction C++ code Developed in the Gaudi framework (Boss)
Main class TofRec TofSys TofGeom TofCalib TofData TofTrk TofHits TofRec TofSys TofGeom TofCalib TofData TofTrk TofHits Barrel Tof BTofSys BTofMod BTofCnt BTofScint BTofPhotoTube BTofDat BTofCal BTofSys BTofMod BTofCnt BTofScint BTofPhotoTube BTofDat BTofCal Endcap Tof ETofSys ETofMod ETofCnt ETofScint ETofPhotoTube ETofDat ETofCal TOF Reconstruction Class Design
TOF Reconstruction Process
Current Status All the code has been debugged in the Boss4.1, a primary version has been put to the CVS web. MDC reconstructed track and the extrapolated track are replaced by the MC track truth.
TOF Reconstruction Code Test Use MC data to do the test A example : 1000 events electron data (single track ) Reconstruction process as showed above Primary reconstructed result Now The efficiency of the matching hits and tracks is 100%
χ for Different Charged Particles χ 2 for Different Charged Particles
TOF Primary Calibration TOF Primary Calibration Time calibration Attenuation length calibration Effective velocity calibration
Calibration Software Status Some program has been developed Mainly use ROOT Use the MC data to do the calibration
Time Calibration Result Before Calibration After Calibration σ=125 ps σ=83 ps
Attenuation Length Calibration Effective Velocity Calibration Bulk attenuation length: 4 m
TOF Model Test-beam Setting Chart Target C : 10×80mm Magnet to choose particle’s momentum Cherenkov MWPC 80mm×80mm TOF Model S1S1 S2S2 In one room Pb wall T 02 T 01
A Geant4 Simulation of the TOF Test-beam Geant4 is a detector simulation toolkit. It can model the optics of the scintillator. The processes include refraction and reflection at medium boundaries, bulk absorption and Rayleigh scattering. It is ideal to simulate the TOF
A Geant4 Simulation of the TOF Test-beam The simulation program has been finished and used The detector construct as the test-beam PMT response is simulated
Simulate Comparison Different thickness scintillator BC408 4 cm BC408 5 cm BC408 6 cm Different reflectivity wrap material Al r = 82 % ESR r = 98 %
Different Size Simulation Result Why 5 cm has the best time resolution?
ADC Comparison ADC 4 cm < 5 cm < 6 cm 275.7±1.3 pc 282.7±1.3 pc 288.5±1.3 pc
Pulse Rise Time Comparison Rise time 4cm<5cm<6cm ±0.005 ns ±0.005 ns ±0.005 ns
ADC 6 cm > 5cm > 4cm Rise time 4 cm < 5cm < 6cm So σ 5cm < σ 6cm < σ 4cm σ 5cm < σ 6cm < σ 4cm
Different Reflectivity Simulation ESR r = 98 % Al r = 82 % Npe ESR > Al σ Al < σ ESR ?
ADC Comparison ADC Comparison ADC Al < ESR ±1.3 pc ±1.7 pc
3.736±0.005 ns Pulse Rise Time Comparison ADC ESR>Al but Rise time Al<ESR but Rise time Al<ESR So σ Al < σ ESR So σ Al < σ ESR 3.956±0.006 ns
Summary TOF reconstruction software has been developed, and there is a primary version. Primary TOF calibration has been done. A Geant4 simulation of the TOF test-beam has been done, Some experiment result can be explained by simulation.
Next to do More TOF reconstruction work A complete TOF calibration software development Calibration methods study More detailed simulation work
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