Round 3 11:3 How were Solomon’s 700 wives described? #1 A. As beautiful B. As princesses C As faithful
Round 3 11:5 Who was the goddess of the Sidonians? #2 A. Milcom B. Ashtoreth C. Chemosh
Round 3 11:7 Where was the high place built for Chemosh? #3 A. On Horeb B. On Ararat C. On the hill that is east of Jerusalem
Round 3 11:13 How many tribes would be given to Solomon’s son? #4 A. Two B. One C. Ten
Round 3 11:14 Who was the descendant of the king in Edom who was raised up as an adversary against Solomon? #5 A. Genubath B. Hadad C. Rezon
Round 3 11:19 Who was the husband of Tahpenes? #6 A. Hadad B. Pharaoh C. Genubath
Round 3 11:21 When did Hadad ask to leave Egypt?? #7 A. When he heard David and Joab were dead B. When his son was old enough to travel C. When the famine was over
Round 3 11:22 Where was Hadadezer king? #8 A. Zobah B. Edom C. Syria
Round 3 11:26 Who was the son of Nebat and Zeruah? #9 A. Moses B. David C. Jeroboam
Round 3 11:28 Jeroboam was the officer over all the labor force of #10 A. The house of Joseph B. Israel C. Judah
Round 3 11:29 Where were Jeroboam and Ahijah when Ahijah tore his new garment? #11 A. By the Little Harpeth B. In Jerusalem C. Alone in the field
Round 3 11:33 Who was god of the people of Ammon? #12 A. Baal B. Chemosh C. Milcom
Round 3 11:39 Complete this verse. “I will afflict the descendants of David because of this….” #13 A. But not forever B. Until they repent C. Because of your transgression
Round 3 12:1 Where had all Israel gone to make Rehoboam king? #14 A. A vacation spot for kings. B. Shechem C. A retirement home for kings
Round 3 12:5 How long did Rehoboam ask the people depart? #15 A. 3 days B. 3 weeks C. 3 months
Round 3 12:13 How did the king answer the people? #16 A. Prayerfully B. Roughly C. Loudly
Round 3 12:16 What did all Israel say they did NOT have in the son of Jesse? #17 A. inheritance B. share C. belief
Round 3 12:18 How did Rehoboam travel to Jerusalem? #18 A. By his chariot B. By mule C. With a great retinue
Round 3 12:21 How may warriors did Rehoboam assemble? #19 A. 120,000 B. 20,000 C. 180,000
Round 3 12:22-23 Who delivered the message from the word of God to Rehoboam? #20 A. Elijah B. Shemiah C. Ahijah
Round 3 12:28 Before making two calves of gold, what did Jeroboam do? #21 A. Appointed many priests B. Sacrificed to the LORD C. He asked advice
Round 3 12:28 Jeroboam told the people #22 A. That he would make his yoke lighter B. It was too much for them to go up to Jerusalem C. To worship in Penuel
Round 3 12:29 Where were the two calves set up? #23 A. In Bethel and in Dan B. By the Euphrates C. By the Nile
Round 3 12:31 Besides shrines on the high places, what did Jeroboam make? #24 A. Altars B. Priests from every class of people, not of the sons of Levi C. A throne of ivory overlaid with gold
Round 3 12:32 When did Jeroboam ordain a feast? #25 A. At Passover B. On the 15 th day of the 8 th month C. On the Sabbath