IF I HAD TO DO IT OVER AGAIN: Major Mistakes I Made as a Pastor Dr. Samuel R. Chand
I WOULD … 1. Spend more time with positive rather than people negative 2. If someone wanted to the church, I would let them leave 3. Spend more time with thefamily 4. Build stronger relationships – especially with my leaders
I WOULD … 5. Go slow on changes – people for changesprepare 6. Not let people’s (or lack of it) effect my preaching response 7. Be assured of my calling –secure 8. Not ignoreproblems
I WOULD … 9. Begin savings / college / retirement accountearly 10. Accept – stop being a martyrraises 11. Defend myleaders 12. Not take people tooseriously
I WOULD … 13. Not take myself tooseriously 14. Recognize the and struggle“them” 15. Listen to my morewife 16. Pray more “us” Dr. Samuel R. Chand, 950 Eagles Landing Parkway, Suite 295, Stockbridge, GA —