Mediterranean Middle East Turkey & Lebanon 2011
Western Influence; located near Europe
Turkey is Modern, Western, Progressive.. True Democracies- elections of leaders. Personal Freedoms Freedom of speech Freedom of religion- religious tolerance. Western clothes, western media, architecture, western styles. Freedom of the media & education. Mediterranean culture, food and geographically very close to Europe.
Turkey is a true secular, democracy!
Ataturk is the “Father of the Republic” Mustafa Kemal Atatürk- Father of Turks Founder of the Republic after WWI (Ottoman Empire) Many reforms: secular, Latin letters, civil laws over Islamic laws, education reforms Abolished veiling of women in public
Istanbul City in Asia and Europe
Old city of Constantinople is Istanbul today! Constantinople First Christian Empire Roman Capital- Constantinople Later in history- Muslims invade the area and rename the capital Istanbul and the bring Islamic monuments etc. Today elements of both religions all over the country Roman Emperor-Constantine
Blue Mosque
Hagia Sophia It was a Christian Church first, then a Muslim Mosque.. Today it is a museum that show the common elements of both religions.
Lebanon Located on the Mediterranean Sea. Beirut is the capital city!
Lebanon is Modern, Western, Progressive.. True Democracies- elections of leaders. Personal Freedoms Freedom of speech Freedom of religion- religious tolerance. Western clothes, western media, architecture, western styles. Freedom of the media & education. Mediterranean culture, food and geographically very close to Europe.
A Parliamentary, Democracy! A Parliamentary, Democracy! Power Sharing among the diverse religious communities in the country. Lebanon's unwritten National Pact of 1943 required that its president be a Maronite Christian, its speaker of the to be a Shiite Muslim, its prime minister be Sunni Muslim, and the deputy speaker of Parliament be Greek Orthodox (Christian).
The Paris of the Middle East! The French colonized Lebanon for 27 years. Speak Arabic, French & English in Lebanon. French foods, French French foods, French Architecture 2 Million people live in Beirut, approximately 40% are Christians & 60% Muslims..
Civil War Much of the city has been rebuilt after the civil war. Bright future for Lebanese, safe for travel and tourism, nightlife and the young population are thriving in Lebanon.