Computer Programming 12 Mr. Jean March 5 th, 2014
The plan: Video clip of the day Review of yesterday’s notes Step by step building a project Scan statements Java Programming Pass in Assignment #2
Review of yesterday's program:
How to build new projects:
Today’s work: We want to use a “scanning” tool in our programs.
The variables scanner:
Calling the scanner:
Using the called scanner:
Scanning for data:
Displaying scanned information:
Java Program Pass in assignment Create a program called “convertkmmph” which allows –a user to enter in km/h and it converts it to mph. –a user to enter in mph and it converts it to km/h. Output screen: Speed in km/h: “Input here” Speed converted to mph: “result” Speed in mph: “Input here” Speed converted to km/h: “result”
To do: Finish yesterday’s “IntOperations” program Start the speed converter “convertkmmph” program.