Chapter 5 :Beast from Water By: Quan Yu 12 Isaac Lau 13 Han Ying 14
Time line Ralph thinks while walking along the beach He realises that being the chief is not easy Ralph calls for an assembly hoping to set things right Ralph talked about the boys not working Ralph talked about fear Phil said that he saw the beast Simon admitted that it was him going to his secrete spot Percival suggested that the beast came from the water, the boys argued about it. Simon suggested that it was man’s nature but The boys misunderstood it and thought there ghost Ralph asked for a vote to see who thought there were ghosts
An argument broke out. Jack denounced the rules, Assuring that he would hunt the beast if there was one The boys cheered for Jack Ralph lost confidence Ralph felt like stopping being chief, Piggy and Simon encouraged Ralph not to The three boys wished that there were adults and admired how they do things
Theme: Civilisation Vs Savagery ► Savagery slowly winning ► A lot of time devoted to suvival, little time to have conceptual thoughts ► Jack denounces the rules- “Bollocks to the rules!” pg114 ► Chanting – loss of purposeful verbal comunication
Theme: Civilisation Vs Savagery ► Ralph: ► Ralph, symbol of civilisation, getting tired - realizes "the wearisomeness of this life” pg95 ► loses confidence in himself- “I ought to give up being chief” ► tries to apply his new knowledge of a logical approach-“if you were a chief you had to think” ► but it fails to appeal to the boys -shows that the boys were turning towards savagery instead of civilisation
Theme: Rituals and Mob Psychology ► Jack creates disorder and starts a ritual ► “The dancing, chanting boys had worked themselves away till their sound was nothing but a wordless rhythm” ► Chanting indicates savagery – tribal chants
Theme: Rituals and Mob Psychology ► Mob psychology – caused boys to chant “Shut up! Shut up!” at Percival ► Percival fell asleep after being questioned by Jack ► When woke up, Percival wailed
Theme: Leadership, power and responsibility ► Responsibilities of leadership – have to think ► Leaders think – make decisions “The trouble was, if you were a chief you had to think, you had to be wise. And then the occasion slipped by so that you had to grab a decision. This made you think; because thought was a valuable thing, that got results…”
Theme: Leadership, power and responsibility ► However, boys wants instant gratification (pig, meat) while Ralph thinks for the common good in the long term (signal fire, rescue) ► Jack - manipulative – doesn’t have good leadership ► Attempts at gaining leadership by playing on boys’ fear
Setting ► Meeting held at night - mistake ► -”There’s too much talk about ghosts. We ought to have left all this for daylight.” ► -”Two grey trunks rubbed each other with an evil squeaking that no one had noticed by day.”
Setting ► Darkness signifies that the road ahead was dark for the boys ► -”On two sides was the beach; behind, the lagoon; in front, the darkness of the island.” ► Mood changes: cheerful to grim
Characters: Simon ► Has most capacity for conceptual thoughts ► Hides in his secrete spot to think ► First to thinks of beast is the human evil “What I mean is... Maybe it's only us...” pg111 ► Inability to explain man’s existent evil nature mirrors Jack’s inability to “convey the compulsion to track down and kill” pg65
Characters: Piggy ► First to suggest the idea that the fear in the boys may be them selves – “Unless we get frightened of people.” pg 105 ► Has time to think being isolated by the boys-” I been in bed so much I done some thinking.” ► leads to him knowing that “He can’t hurt you: but if you stand out of the way he’d hurt the next thing. And that’s me.”(when talking about Jack) -shows his intelligence
Characters: Piggy ► Defensless against Jack – Savagery enemy of Science ► Relies on Ralph to protect him – Civiliation protects Science from savagery ► “if you[Ralph] stand put of the way he’d[Jack] hurt the next thing. And that’s me[Piggy].” pg 116
Characters: Jack ► Grows more savage ► Openly defies the rules – “Bollocks to to the rules!” pg114 ► Manipulative – wins over the boys by assuring them safty from the beast – “If there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down!” pg114
Characters: Ralph ► Loses innocence: ► realizes "the wearisomeness of this life” pg95 ► Learns that being a leader was not easy ► realises Piggy’s intellect and how a leader should be able to think like Piggy did ► “if you were a chief you had to think, you had to be wise.” “I can’t think. Not like Piggy.”
Symbols: Conch - Authority ► Worn down by the test of time – “exposure to the air had bleached the yellow and pink to near- white, and transparency” pg98 ► Loses authority among the boys –> ► From “ ‘I’ve got the conch.’ Jack sat down, grumbling. ” pg102 – conch still holds some authority ► To “ ‘you’re breaking the rules!’ ‘Who cares?’ ” pg114 – conch loses authority
Symbols: beast/fear ► At first unknown, boys try to define it – “deciding on the fear” pg 102 ► The fears of the boys would cause dastruction and horror to the island in later chapters ► Jack: Defines the beast as a physical being, an animal in which he could have hunted down
Symbols: beast/fear ► Ralph: Tries to acknowledge its presence yet minimise its significance to maintain safety and order – “What’s all this? Who said anything about an animal?” pg103 ► Piggy: tries to logically prove that the beast does not exist ► However, he was interupted because of the conch losing its authority
Symbols: beast/fear ► Piggy: Had idea that the boys maybe afraid of themselves – “Unless we get frightened of people.” ► Simon: Only one that the source of fear is the boys themeselves – “What I mean is…maybe it’s only us” pg111 ► However he is unable to express his thoughts adequately – “Simon became inarticulate in his effort to express man-kind’s essential illness.” pg111
Quotes ► "What's the dirtiest thing there is?" pg111 - Simon reached an abstract understanding of man’s innate evil nature but the boys could not understand and misunderstood him. ► “Three blind mice.” pg116 - hopelessness of Ralph when Jack denounced the rules.
references ► e/Lord-of-the-Flies-Summary-and-Analysis- 64,pageNum-44.html e/Lord-of-the-Flies-Summary-and-Analysis- 64,pageNum-44.html e/Lord-of-the-Flies-Summary-and-Analysis- 64,pageNum-44.html ►