Plant Classification
Classification Systems Climatic Warm Season Cool Season Tropical Use Agronomic Horticultural Ornimental Taxonomic Scientific Naming System Names are always in Latin The same name is used world wide
Botanical Classification of Crop Plants: Kingdom –_____________(All Plants) Phylum – _____________(Seed Plants) Class –_____________(Seeds in fruits) These are the same for all crop plants.
Two Subclasses that are important in Crop Plants: 1. Monocotyledonae – one seed leaf in the embryo. 2. Dicotyledonae - two seed leaves in the embryo..
Taxonomic or Scientific Classification Generally you will start out with a plant family name Asteraceae Poaceae Followed by Genus Magnolia Species grandiflora L.
Types of Names Common Prickly Sida Local Teaweed Scientific Sida spinosa
MonocotDicot Monocot Dicot
Crop Plants Two Major Types Cereals Poaceae – (Gramineae) all grasses Legumes Fabaceae – (Leguminoseae)
Cereals—Family Poaceae Wheat — Triticum aestivum Corn — Zea mays Rice — Oryza sativa Rye — Secale cereal Sorghum — Sorghum bicolor Oats — Avena sativa Millet – Pennisetum glaucum Barley Hordeum vulgare
Cereal Grains 10-15% _________ 8-14% ___________ 70-75% __________ 2-7% _________
Grains can’t be eaten whole must be processes pounded ground cooked roasted soaked parched
Characteristics of grasses: 1. Most are herbaceous with hallow cylindrical stems. 2. Stems are made of ____________ 3. Leaves have parallel veins. 4. Leaves consist of two parts a sheath and a leaf. 5. Roots are fibrous.
Legume Crops—Family Fabaceae Produces seed that contain two to three times more protein than cereals The 2 nd most important plant family
Legume Yield Legume yields have not increases over time as much as have cereal crops less research more personal income —eat less legumes yield more variable legumes produce own nitrogen
Biological Nitrogen Fixation _________________ takes N 2 from the air and produces plant usable forms of nitrogen legumes can grow on nitrogen poor soils legumes do use soil N for first few weeks
Legume Crops Common Beans — Phaseolus vulgaris Soybean — Glycine max Cowpea — Vigna unquiculata Alfalfa – Medicago sativa
Characteristics of Fabaceae Family: 1. Leaves alternate on stems, netted veins and most are compound. 2. Fruit is a pod that contains several seeds. 3. Root is a taproot. 4. Often roots have nodules caused by Bradyrhizobium bacteria which fixes nitrogen in a plant useable form.
Other Families in Field Crops: Polygonaceae – buckwheat Chenopodiaceae – sugarbeet Cruciferae – mustard, rape, and kale Solanaceae – potato, tomato Malvaceae – cotton Compositae – sunflower, safflower
Binomial System of Nomenclature: Latin is used for scientific names because it is a “dead” language. When writing the scientific name it should be written as follows: Genus species
Classification based on Life Cycles: 1.Annuals –________ from seed in one year. Sunflower, corn, soybeans (most field crops) 2.Winter Annuals – ______________then produce seed the following summer. Wheat, rye, barley
3.Biennials –_________. First year is vegetative, 2 nd year reproductive. Musk thistle, Sugar beets, Sweetclover, carrots. 3.Perennial - living several years. Most pasture grasses, alfalfa, sorghum.