Welcome to the Rolls-Royce Learning Development Centre Cost Engineering Rallying Point 3 rd Nov 2009
TIME AGENDA ITEMSPRESENTERS Registration Presidents Welcome Prof. R RoyPresident - ACostE Review of EMC achievements David ReussChair of the EMC Four Key Cost Subject Introductions: ▪Accreditation and Professional Development Alan JonesBAE Systems ▪Risk as a Function of Cost Kate Boothroyd The Institute of Risk Management ▪Cost Engineering - Roles and Organisations During Early Product Design Steve Wiseall Lucy Bolton Rolls Royce Plc Leeds University Business School ▪Through-life Cost Management Paul DuvallQinetiQ TEA / COFFEE Storyboard Walk Facilitated by Key Subject Leaders and Members of the EMC LUNCH (includes access to the Rolls Royce Heritage Trust Area) Round-table Discussions Facilitated by Key Subject Leaders and Members of the EMC Feedback from Round-table Discussions ALL TEA / COFFEE / CLOSE
THE ASSOCIATION OF COST ENGINEERS Promoting Excellence in Cost Engineering Internationally for over 40 years WELCOME to the ACostE EMC Rallying Point Event 3 rd November 2009 Professor Rajkumar Roy President
ACostE: Founded in 1961 The Association is :- A Professional Affiliate of the Engineering A founding member of the International Council EC (UK), Cost Engineering Council (ICEC).
At-a-glance Around 2000 members World wide (39 Countries) Personal and company membership Muti-sector interest The assessment service centre (TASC) in project control Promoting cost engineering excellence in industry
Focus 2010 Continue to launch further services for members and TASC candidates Increase individual and company memberships Improve presence and impact of ACostE externally
Thanks “Excellence in Cost Engineering”