5. REFERENCE The EMC attends to request such as bibliographical information from the card catalog, search through books, periodicals, pamphlets, documents and non-print materials. 6. BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE There are listings of materials and periodical articles to publicize the new materials and periodical articles in the EMC.
7. MEDIA INSTRUCTION PROGRAM The Media Instruction Program (MIP) aims to teach students to be skillful and discriminating users if print and non-print media. It is designed to develop the habit of inquiry and stimulate the growth and development of the young mind in independent thinking. 8. CLASS SUPERVISED RESEARCH It is a scheduled program of activity particularly in Science and Social Studies. It refers to the class periods allotted to these subjects where the students are brought to the EMC to do the research for a particular topic.
9. GRADE LEVEL NEWSPAPER It is a service rendered to ensure that the faculty is updated daily on current events locally and internationally. 10. MAGS-ON-WHEELS Selected professional and general interest journals are routed in the different grade levels and service areas. The service is given to maximize the different subscription for professional and personal growth of the school community.
11. PHOTOCOPYING SERVICE A self-service photocopying machine is available for the faculty to Xerox materials needed. Students may also request photocopying of library materials. A corresponding amount is charged. 12. VIDEO AND SOUND PRODUCTION Simple productions for class instruction, program and school wide presentations are put together in the Audio-Visual area. 13. MULTI-MEDIA SERVICES Different non-print media materials are acquired. Teachers are encouraged to maximize use of their materials. The procedures for reservation and usage is teacher-friendly.