Offer English 3 1st Meeting
Getting started With a group of 4, watch this video, identify it, and answer the questions below.
What about Offering? What offering means? Why should we give an offer? In what situation a person might need an offer?
Study this conversation A: Can I take you to the airport? B: oh yeah, Thank you. That would be great. A: Do you need help carrying these suitcases? B: Thanks, but I’ll manage OK by myself.
Ways to express it
Offering Would you like me to (v1)…? Would you like (noun)….? Would you like to (v1)…? I’ll (v1)….. If you like. Shall I (v1)….? May I (v1)…. You? What if I …?
Careful!! Shall I borrow your pen?? Shall I lend my pen?
Accepting an Offer · I’d be delighted (if)….. · You are most kind. · I am happy about…. · That’s very kind of you. · It’s very nice of you. · If it’s no trouble for you. · I surprised to… · If you don’t mind. · Thank you.
Declining an Offer · No, please don’t bother. · Sorry, thanks for your help. · No, I can manage. Thank you. · No, thank you. · Thanks a lot, but…. · No thanks. · Sorry, thank you. · No, don’t worry (about….) · I’m very grateful to you for your offer….But….
Example of offer Host : Would you like something to eat? Guest : No thanks. I’m OK for now. Host : Are you sure? There’s a big plate of my special barbecued chicken. Guest : I’d love to but I’m not hungry. Host : Well, can I get something cold or drink? I have juice, soda,..... Guest : Uhm.... Maybe later. But thanks. Host : Well, if you change your mind, just let me know.
Situation Your friend, Adven is hungry but he doesn’t have any money to buy it.
Adven is Accepting You: Would you mind if I buy some food for you? Adven: Okay, if you don’t mind, thanks bro.
Adven is Declining an offer Joko: Would you like me to buy cake for you Adven: no thanks, I’m on diet
What about? Your friend’s motorcycle is runnig out of gasoline
How you Offer a help?
Would you like me to take you home? Shall I buy gasoline for you Would you like any ride? I’ll fill the gasoline for you if you like
What response might be? Accepting? Declining?
In Class Assigment Work with your pair, make a simple conversation according to the situation and the response below
Study this example Situation: To do some photocopying A: would you like me to do some photocopying for you? B: thanks anyway.
1. Situation To set up the audio-visual equipment Response = Accept 2. Situation: To check the number of participants Response = Decline
3. Situation: To improve seating arrangements response = Decline 4. Situation: To open the windows Response: Decline
5. situation: To check all the equipment works Response: Accept 6. Situation: To get supplies of stationery Response: Accept