Lesson 22: Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (1): Antioch to Philippi/Europe (15:36-16:10)
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study A.Some important facts about Paul’s Second Missionary Journey: 1.From verse 15:36 thru 18:22Approx. Dates: A.D. 2.Travel Companions: Paul, Silas, Timothy, Luke 3.Sent forth from the church in Antioch; Traveled thru Europe (Macedonia & Achaia) B.Paul & Barnabas separated, and Paul selected Silas to be his new teammate (15:36-40). 1.The initial plan for the second journey was to strengthen new converts (15:36). 2.A sharp contention arose between Paul and Barnabas over John Mark (15:37-41). 3.But, this dispute did not stop them or the work of the Lord! I.
A.Disagreements over matters of judgment must be handled carefully and purposefully! 1.The contention between Paul and Barnabas was a personal matter (not doctrinal). 2.It had the potential, as with all division, of damaging the Lord’s church immensely! 3.Paul and Barnabas handled their strong conflict so cautiously that: 4.Disagreements among Christians must not be permitted to distract from His work. II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study C.Paul and Silas traveled by land through Syria and Cilicia to strengthen churches (15:41). 1.These churches were not established on the first missionary journey. 2.They may have been established by Paul after his conversion (cf. 9:30). D.Paul and Silas returned to Derbe and Lystra, and Timothy joined the team (16:1-5). 1.In Lystra, Paul added Timothy (name=“honoring God”) to the missionary team (16:1-5). 2.The churches kept on growing spiritually (in THE faith) & numerically every day (16:5). I.
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study E.Through a vision, God called Paul to preach the gospel in Macedonia (Europe) (16:6-10). 1.God knew hearts were ripe for the gospel, so He hurried Paul in that direction. 2.“The Macedonian call” gripped Paul’s attention & immediate travel plans were made. 3.Luke the physician (cf. Col. 4:14) joined the mission team in Troas. I.
B.Christians today receive a “Macedonian call” every day from the lost souls around them! 1.Lost souls are persistently pleading, “Come to our side and help us, help us, help us!” 2.There was urgency in the response of Paul & his companions—an immediate action! 3.Will we conclude that “the Lord has called us to preach the gospel” (16:10) or not? II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding