Galatians. Paul is the author of Galatians Paul had baptized the Saints in the southern region during his 1st missionary journey, and the northern Saints.


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Presentation transcript:


Paul is the author of Galatians Paul had baptized the Saints in the southern region during his 1st missionary journey, and the northern Saints during his 2nd missionary journey. It is unclear as to which region these letters were to.

Galatians *False teachings were creeping into the lives of the Galatian converts. *Many rejected the teaching of the Atonement. *Many reverted to the old Mosaic Law.

Historical Background: *Letter may have been written as early as A.D. 48. *Paul writes to urge the Saints to live the higher law.

The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians In the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians: *Emphasis on Faith in Jesus Christ as the foundation that gives new life. *There is only one gospel of Jesus Christ. It is taught by revelation from God through prophets and apostles. *Unity of The Apostles *We are justified through faith in Jesus Christ.

Testimony of Paul to Galatians: “ Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ…” (Galatians 2:16)

Galatians 1-2

There is only one gospel of Jesus Christ. It is reveled by God through prophet and apostles Galatians 1:1-2, 29 Ephesians 2:20 Ephesians 4:5, 11, 13 D&C 1:30 We are justified through faith in Jesus Christ Galatians 2:16-21 Romans 3: 20-24, 28 Mosiah 13:27-28 D&C 20: Galatians 1-2

Galatians 1 Preachers of false gospels are accursed Paul received the gospel by revelation He believed, was taught, and preached to the Gentiles

Galatians 2 Paul goes to Jerusalem He contends for the true gospel Salvation comes through Christ

 PervertChange, corrupt  AccursedCursed, damned  Separated meSet me apart  I conferred not withI did not discuss it with anyone else on flesh and bloodearth  To whom we gave…We did not yield to them for even an not for an hourhour  Contrariwiseon the other hand, on the contrary  CephasThe Apostle Peter Galatians 1-2