Vocabulary – Week 2 - able Able Able Readable – Something you are able to read. Readable – Something you are able to read.
Anti- Against Against Antibiotic – A chemical substance used to kill bacteria. Antibiotic – A chemical substance used to kill bacteria.
Bi- Two Two Bicycle – A cycle with two wheels. Bicycle – A cycle with two wheels.
Chloro- Green Green Chloroplast – Green parts of plant cells. Chloroplast – Green parts of plant cells.
Cyt- Cell Cell Cytology – The study of cells. Cytology – The study of cells.
Ecto- Outer, outside Outer, outside Ectoderm: outer germ layer of developing embryo Ectoderm: outer germ layer of developing embryo
Epi- Upon, over Upon, over Epicenter - a point, directly over the true center of disturbance (earthquake) Epicenter - a point, directly over the true center of disturbance (earthquake)
Bell Ringer What is the prefix, and what does it mean? Readable Readable Antibiotic Antibiotic Bicycle Bicycle Chloroplast Chloroplast Cytology Cytology Ectoderm Ectoderm Epicenter Epicenter
-gen Type Type Oxygen – A type of gas. Oxygen – A type of gas.
Macro- Large Large Macromolecule – A very large molecule. Macromolecule – A very large molecule.
Meso- In the middle In the middle Mesosphere – A layer of the atmosphere in the middle of two other layers. Mesosphere – A layer of the atmosphere in the middle of two other layers.
Morph- Form Form Metamorphosis - a complete change of form. Metamorphosis - a complete change of form.
-oma Swelling Swelling Coma - a state of unconsciousness sometimes caused by swelling in the brain. Coma - a state of unconsciousness sometimes caused by swelling in the brain.
Peri- Around Around Periscope – An instrument to Periscope – An instrument to aid in looking around the normal line of sight. line of sight.
Photo- Light Light Photography – A process which uses light to capture an image. Photography – A process which uses light to capture an image.
Bell Ringer What is the prefix, and what does it mean? Oxygen Oxygen Macromolecule Macromolecule Mesosphere Mesosphere Metamorphosis Metamorphosis Coma Coma Periscope Periscope Photography Photography
Phyto- Plants Plants Phytography – The branch of botany dealing with the description of plants Phytography – The branch of botany dealing with the description of plants
Pod- Foot Foot Podiatrist – A foot doctor. Podiatrist – A foot doctor.
-some Body Body Chromosome - any of several threadlike bodies that carry the genes. Chromosome - any of several threadlike bodies that carry the genes.
Sub- Under Under Submarine – A vessel that can move under the water. Submarine – A vessel that can move under the water.
Super-Supra- Above Above Superpower – A country that Superpower – A country that has power above that of other countries.
Trans- Across Across Transcontinental - passing or extending across a continent. Transcontinental - passing or extending across a continent.
Bell Ringer What is the prefix, and what does it mean? Phytography Phytography Podiatrist Podiatrist Chromosome Chromosome Submarine Submarine Superpower Superpower Transcontinental Transcontinental