Christ Baptist Church Fall 2015 / Spring 2016
Where did they go to preach? What was the result? What problem arose? How did Paul and Barnabas respond to the problem? How did God confirm the preaching of the word of His grace? (v3) What finally forced Paul and Barnabas to leave Iconium?
Who responded to the preaching of the gospel with faith? Give similarities and differences between Paul's healing the crippled man and Peter's healing of the cripple in Acts 3:2-9. What did the people of Lystra do when they saw the miracle?
How did Paul and Barnabas respond? From Numbers 14:2-9 and Matthew 26:65, why did Paul and Barnabas tear their clothes? What was Paul’s reason for preaching? Give verse. (v15-17)
6.In 14:14-17, Paul speaks to Gentiles who know nothing about Old Testament history. How is his message to them different from what he said to the synagogue audience in 13:16-41? 7.How did God use miracles in Paul's preaching ministry? What relevance, if any, does this have for us today?
What was the next problem Paul and Barnabas faced? Where did Paul and Barnabas go next? What did they do there and what was the result? Why did Paul and Barnabas return to the cities they had evangelized? What specific advice did they give the disciples concerning the kingdom of God?
What more do you learn about Christians' tribulations from the following Scripture passages? Romans 5:3-5 2 Thessalonians 1:4-5 What do you learn about Paul’s tribulations from 2 Corinthians 11:24-30? What did Paul and Barnabas do before leaving each city? (V23) 2 Timothy 3: Peter 4:19
What did Paul and Barnabas report at the missionary meeting? How does Ephesians 2:11-18 describe what happened on this first missionary effort. 8.When Paul returned to Antioch, he encouraged believers by telling them to expect hardships as normal (14:22). Why is this an important part of the message Christians need to hear?
9.Have you noticed that the nearer you get to the Lord, the more intensely "missionary minded” you become? If so, explain. If not, why do you suppose that hasn't happened? 11.What was Paul's basic strategy of ministry in new areas? How might this be the same or different for you as you move into new areas or meet new groups of people?