VCE Business Management UNITS 1 - 4
VCE Business Management This Session: 1. Introduce Myself 5min 2. Introduce Yourselves 10min 3. Introduce the subject 15min 4. ??? QUESTIONS ??? 5. Expectations for the class 10min 6. Complete Surveys on Weebly 7. What a you tube clip on business 10min 8. ??? QUESTIONS ???
THE BASICS VCE Business Management consists of four units. Unit 1 & 2 relate to ‘Small Business. Unit 3 & 4 extend on to large scale Business/ Organisations. Business Management gives you an understanding of what is involved in running a successful business. It provides insight into what is like to work within both a small business and a large company. Every person that works, works for/in a business and many people here may one day own their own business.
Units 1 &2 Each Unit consists of three Areas of Study. Unit 1 Learning Outcomes are: AOS 1 – Introducing Business What are characteristics of a business, small business in Australia, environments with a business AOS 2 –Small Business Decision making, planning and evaluating Types of decisions made within a business, starting a business, support available for small business We plan and run a small business for this outcome AOS 3 – Day to Day operations of a small business Looks into the record keeping a small business
Units 1 &2 Each Unit consists of three Areas of Study. Unit 2 Learning Outcomes are: AOS 1 – Communication in business Looks at different ways business use communication AOS 2 –Managing the Marketing Function Looks at different ways to market a product, research and evaluating the effectiveness of the marketing We Market and run a small business for this outcome AOS 3 – Managing the Public Relations Function Looks at who, how and when a business provides information to the public in good and bad situations
Units Unit 1 & 2 1 SAC for each Learning Outcome 2 Exams (1 Mid Year & 1 End of Year) Unit 3 & 4 1 SAC for each Learning Outcome 1 Exam (End of Year) The Unit 3 & 4 Exam covers all of these areas of study. SAC’s contribute 50% to your study score Exam contribute 50% to your study score
How will this help me in life? Apart from being a pre-requisite for many university courses (and compulsory for VCE itself), studying English improves your ability to: communicate in the workplace; express and argue for your beliefs and opinions; engage in political and social discourse; think critically; gain an understanding of our and others’ cultural heritage; Improve your public speaking skills.
Career possibilities for students of Business Management: Jobs that involve a Business environment Nearly every job Sales peopleMarketing people Finance peopleHuman Resource People Trades peopleTravel Agents Managers, supervisors etc Run your own Business: Tradesperson (most tradespeople run their own business) Home based business (Yr 12 student currently doing this) Will benefit anyone who will one day own a home (get paid, pay bills and have some left over to spend)
EXPECTATIONS: 2016 EXPECTATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS o Follow Class Agreement at all time Class agreement will be made and agreed upon by students. Anyone who does not uphold the terms of this agreement will be held to account to the rest of the class for their actions - All work will be completed and submitted on time. - A Positive and Proactive attitude will be required to successfully complete 2016.