PE Day 2 Welcome Back!!! Welcome Back!!! Agenda Agenda Agenda Updates/Q’s/Comments Updates/Q’s/Comments
1. Do you have a mission statement that defines the goals and objectives of your physical education program? Yes ? No ? 2. Do you currently have a sequential curriculum in grades K-12? Yes ? No ? 3. Does your current curriculum teach to the New York State Learning Standards? Yes ? No ? 4. Does your curriculum meet school and community needs? Yes ? No ? 5. Has the physical education staff implemented formative and summative assessments? Yes ? No ?
6. Does your grading system reflect accountability for learning and performance? Yes ? No ? 7. Does the length of the units in your curriculum provide adequate time for students to achieve benchmarks and standards? Yes ? No ? 8. Are physical education teachers familiar with the current standardized assessments designed for the commencement level? Yes ? No ? 9. Have teachers begun to implement the standardized assessments within the high school curriculum? Yes ? No ? 10. Have you implemented gateway assessments or developed benchmark assessments for elementary or intermediate grade levels? Yes ? No ? 11. Do you have an efficient form of record keeping? Yes ? No ? 12. Are the results on assessments shared with the stakeholders in your school and community? Yes ? No ? Adapted from the Council of Administrators (COA), a section of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NYS AHPERD). Administrative Times, September 2002.
If the answers are "yes" to the questions below, your physical education program is off to a great start. If the answers are "no," develop a plan for addressing or phasing in these components. These questions can also be used as items for a staff development agenda.
Essential Questions Why do we “map” our curriculum? Why do we “map” our curriculum? How can mapping help us optimize the potential for our students to achieve high standards? How can mapping help us optimize the potential for our students to achieve high standards?
Further Questions to Discuss… How often do you communicate and collaborate with your colleagues, K-12? Do you know what is expected at the grade levels below or above you?
Do You Ever Feel Isolated??? The crush…..of our daily events and duties keep us from collaborating on such obvious and challenging concerns as how to teach more effectively……and so we work consciously and unconsciously toward our own goals, within the limitations of what each of us know or do not know.
Rick Dufour says… If schools want to enhance their capacity to boost student learning, they should work on building a collaborative culture…..when groups, rather than individuals, are seen as the main units for implementing curriculum, instruction, and assessment, they facilitate development of shared purposes for student learning and collective responsibility to achieve it.
What is Curriculum Mapping? An on-going process for –planning –implementing –reflecting on student learning
Curriculum Mapping Is a calendar-based process for collecting authentic curriculum data from classrooms. Curriculum Mapping creates a database which records the “operational” curriculum within each classroom throughout the school system. It provides the basis for authentic examination of that database.
Why Map? Mapping provides a framework for the careful examination of curriculum, including an analysis for: Gaps Gaps Repetitions Repetitions Coherency Coherency Timeliness Timeliness Effectiveness Effectiveness Relevance Relevance Alignment to standards Alignment to standards Alignment of content & skills to assessment Alignment of content & skills to assessment Potential points of integration Potential points of integration
Curriculum Mapping…… Process or Product? Curriculum mapping is a process that results in tangible products along the way Curriculum mapping is a process that results in tangible products along the way The products are tools for the next steps The products are tools for the next steps There are final products – everything will always be under revision There are NO final products – everything will always be under revision The products are simply interim pieces along the way The products are simply interim pieces along the way Not mapping, mapping, mapping….but ongoing mapping for inquiry and upping the ante for students Not mapping, mapping, mapping….but ongoing mapping for inquiry and upping the ante for students
A Map is NOT a Lesson Plan A map is the summary or paraphrase of the instruction that has or will take place over the course of a month in the form of unit name, essential questions, contents, skills and assessments. It is the MACRO picture. A map is the summary or paraphrase of the instruction that has or will take place over the course of a month in the form of unit name, essential questions, contents, skills and assessments. It is the MACRO picture. A lesson plan is the daily delivery of the instruction described in the map. This is where the artistry and creativity of individual teachers come to life as they make the curriculum come to life for students. It is the MICRO picture A lesson plan is the daily delivery of the instruction described in the map. This is where the artistry and creativity of individual teachers come to life as they make the curriculum come to life for students. It is the MICRO picture
Bridges the gap between curriculum and assessment! Lesson Plans Curriculum Map Gradebook State Assessment Data What you hope to teach… What was actually taught… Formative & Summative assessments Summative assessments (what was actually learned)
What are the three non-negotiable elements in a Curriculum Map ? CONTENT CONTENT SKILLS SKILLS ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT
Let’s take a look at 1 way to start…
Theme It is your unit It is your unit Activities Your “lessons” in your “unit” Your “lessons” in your “unit”
Concepts Think, “Table of Contents.” Knowledge Written using specific descriptive nouns Focus on the vocabulary within the discipline
Skills Precise skills can be: 1. Assessed 2. Observed 3. Described in specific terms In the maps: Skills contain action verbs Skills are always associated with content
Assessments Assessments are demonstrations of learning Assessments provide observable evidence of performance Assessment types should be varied
Alignment to Standards: usually included in the content and skills section; however can also be incl. in assessments – use NYS (and) National Alignment to Standards: usually included in the content and skills section; however can also be incl. in assessments – use NYS (and) National Courtesy of Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Curriculum Designers:
Practice THEME ACTIVITIES CONCEPTSKNOWLEDGESKILLSASSESSMENT TravelingLocomotor skills, obstacle courses, small sided games traverse wall, climbing, snowshoeing Pathways, levels, directions, speeds High, medium, low, curved, zigzag, fast, medium, slow, up, down, spatial awareness Skip, gallop, hop, jump, walk, run, jump, jog Teacher observation skill checklist authentic assessments
Using the Maps to Impact Learning Review maps to determine where and how skills are taught Review maps to determine where and how skills are taught Review timeline to determine when they are taught – identify gaps & repetitions Review timeline to determine when they are taught – identify gaps & repetitions Make needed changes or revisions Make needed changes or revisions Develop goal plan(s) and timeline(s) Develop goal plan(s) and timeline(s) Develop staff-development plan(s) and timeline(s) Develop staff-development plan(s) and timeline(s) Courtesy of Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Curriculum Designers:
Consistency vs. Flexibility A district must determine where consistency in the curriculum delivered is critical for the success of their students A district must determine where consistency in the curriculum delivered is critical for the success of their students On the other hand, a district must determine where flexibility in the curriculum delivered is just as important for the success of their students On the other hand, a district must determine where flexibility in the curriculum delivered is just as important for the success of their students Each discipline presents different considerations when coming to consensus on what needs to be consistent across the grade level classrooms and what should be flexible Each discipline presents different considerations when coming to consensus on what needs to be consistent across the grade level classrooms and what should be flexible
Differentiation Happens at the lesson level…not at the map level Happens at the lesson level…not at the map level Content and skills need to be the same for all students Content and skills need to be the same for all students The differentiation reflects the modifications that need to be made to the content and skills for specific students The differentiation reflects the modifications that need to be made to the content and skills for specific students
How to proceed… 1. Type or write current maps (K-12) – all BUT the right column (standards) 2. Align them to NYS standards and National Standards (per district?) 3. Take a look at “assessment, charts, grading packet” 4. Take a look at “Impact on Curriculum” packet 5. Compare/contrast where your maps are now, and where you envision them to be. Summarize observations and changes needed (prioritize – top 3)
Curriculum Mapping Resources Getting Results With Curriculum Mapping. Heidi Hayes Jacobs. ASCD (2004) Getting Results With Curriculum Mapping. Heidi Hayes Jacobs. ASCD (2004) Mapping the Big Picture : Integrating Curriculum and Assessment K-12. Heidi Hayes-Jacobs. ASCD (1997) Mapping the Big Picture : Integrating Curriculum and Assessment K-12. Heidi Hayes-Jacobs. ASCD (1997) Heidi’s Site Heidi’s Site Janet’s Site Janet’s Site
Special Thanks to… Ed Hazen, Dunkirk City School District Ed Hazen, Dunkirk City School District Steven Graser, Erie 1 BOCES Steven Graser, Erie 1 BOCES