1 1 Geographic characteristics Proposal for 2020 CES recommendations Group of Experts on Population and Housing Censuses Geneva 23 – 26 September 2014
2 Important changes introduced since the 2013 meeting Location of place of residence introduced as a core topic in chapter on Geographic characteristics Population grid introduced as a separate topic –Not only as a part of the topic Degree of urbanisation Degree of urbanisation: Precise definition, revised description Location of place of work: Simplified classification –Two alternatives Classification of mode of transport to work: Proposal to distinguish public transport from private transport abandoned
Location of place of residence Introduced as a core topic in this chapter Not a new topic in the recommendation Definition of place of residence from Population bases Definition similar to Location of place of work More precise on the level of measurement/coding –Smallest possible civil division and –Geo-referenced to geographical coordinates If not possible precise and complete postal address Ensure tabulation for small areas, including population grids 3
Population grid as a separate topic 2013 meeting: Part of topic Degree of urbanisation Necessary to measure degree of urbanisation Useful in itself: Spatial analysis Powerful for cross-border analysis –Cells of same size (1 square km) –Independent of civil divisions Stable over time –Independent of changes in civil division Flexible Confidentiality issues Proposal: Derived core topic 4
Degree of urbanization Accepted as a non-core topic in the 2013 meeting More precise definition Revised description 5
Location of place of work Definition Location preferably coded to precise address and/or geographic coordinates If not possible: Smallest possible civil division Proposed classification revised –2013 meeting: Classification too complex –Propose a simplified classification, two alternatives 6
Location of place of work, alternatives for classification 7 Alt x (1.1) ?? Alt x 5.1 ??
Location of place of work. New alternative (1.0) Same minor division as place of residence, but not working at home (2.0) Neighbouring minor civil division (3.0) Other minor civil division (3.1) In same major civil division (3.2) In some other major civil division (4.0) Abroad (5.0) No journey made (5.1) Working at home (5.2) No fixed place of work 8
9 Alt x (1.1) ?? Alt x (5.1) 3.1 To 5.2?
Significant changes from the 2010 CESR Location of place of work as a core topic in Geographic characteristics –2010: Only definition in Population to be enumerated Locality: Introducing urban agglomeration Urban and rural areas –More detailed classification by size (number of inhabitants) Population grid: New topic Degree of urbanisation: New topic Location of place of work: Classification –Linking place of work with place of usual residence: Commuting Mode of transport to work –New category: Journey not made (or mode of transport not determined) 10
Points for discussion Location of place of residence as a «geographic» topic? Population grid as a new topic? –Core or non-core? Degree of urbanisation –Definition and description feasible for all countries? Location of place of work –Introduce classification linking place of work to place of residence? –If so: Alternative 1 (more detailed), alternative 2 (less detailed), new alternative 3? 11