Structured Programming (COIT 29222) Term 2, 2009, Final Exam Date And Time As advised by the university Open/Closed Book (3 hours) Structured Programming, TERM 2, 2009 is a Restricted Materials examination. This is a Restricted Materials examination. You will only be allowed to bring into the exam a copy of any C++ textbook and study guides (3 Study Guides). Photocopies, handwritten materials, etc. will not be allowed.
You will see the following instructions on your exam paper Instructions to the student Perusal time: 15 minutes Examination duration: 180 minutes (3 hours) Total mark: 50 There are three (3) sections in the examination. Section 1: Contains 5 questions worth 3 marks each. You may attempt as many questions as you wish. Section 2: Contains 4 questions worth 4 marks each. You may attempt as many questions as you wish. Section 3: Contains 3 questions, the first two worth 5 marks each, and the other worth 9 marks. You may attempt as many questions as you wish.
Things to do before the exam … A specimen exam paper is available on the course website. You should do it before the exam and if you have a problem, please see your local tutor. You should review the course material (week 1 to week 12), including your assignments. Some typical questions & topics are given below to help you in exam preparation & you should study accordingly. You may be asked to write an output of a given program. You may be asked to state whether a statement is true or false. You may be asked to write the pseudo-code for the C++ source code or write the C++ source code from the pseudo-code. You may be asked to inspect the program code and correct the syntax errors by stating the line number and then rewriting the line with the error corrected. You should NOT waste your time to rewrite the whole program. You should know common errors such as missing commos, semicolon, incorrect lib names, operators, etc.
Some typical questions & topics… You may be asked to identify the syntax error(s), if any, in declarations. For example: array, int, char, bool, etc. int array[-11]; correct or incorrect? You may be asked to write the output of a given program. Programs may be based on loops and if statements. Review complicated loops. Do you know rules for good programming? You may be asked. Do you know how to write function prototypes, etc.? Review function prototypes, definitions, etc. Can you find an error with missing elements (eg. function prototypes)? Do you know how to sort an array? You should try to sort an array using two for loops, two while loops, etc.
Some typical questions & topics… You may be asked to write a program using math library. For example: Write a program that calculates the AB using the following formula: AB = Num+ e -sum + x 20 Where sum = x + y and Num must be a random number between 2 and 5. You must know how to use the random generator rand() and math functions such as sqrt(), exp() and pow() You may be asked to write a program that can search an array. You may be asked about file processing (file opening, reading and writing from/to file) Review some examples with reading and writing from/to files Do you know what libraries you need to use? Write some programs using input/output files
Marking & Results The exams are marked according to set criteria and marks are checked TWICE before the release of FINAL results. All marked exams CLOSE TO PASS are checked third time by the course coordinator. There is no CHANCE OF MISTAKE so please do not send s to course coordinator or lecturer about rechecking your marks until you are very CONFIDENT. If you qualify for the SE/special considerations, your final results will show appropriate grade. If you get a “F” grade, please do not send s with “do sir something or check your exam again or you don’t have money to pay or you have got good marks in assignments or any other excuse” to course coordinator/lecturer/tutor as this will be waste of your & coordinator’s time. We cannot change the GRADE or give you another CHANCE.
Marking & Results Please do not apply for DE until you have very IMPORTANT REASONS. Please do not apply for special considerations until you have very IMPORTANT REASONS. Please do not waste your & coordinator’s time with artificial reasons such as “you couldn’t concentrate”, “you were not able to prepare well”, “you had headache a few days before the exam”, “last year someone in your home was sick”, etc. Please do not apply for REVIEW only because you have done well in the assignments. As mentioned in course profile, you MUST score 50% in the Final Exam (even if you have scored 50/50 in the assignments). Good Luck. Course Coordinator of coit29222