Value Half and Half
Value An element of art - Your range of light to dark A typical value scale has 9 ranges
First… We need to practice creating value and will create a 9 range value scale ….. 50 points Create a chart on the paper provided that is 2” x 9” large. Draw a line every 1” down the chart to create your 9 boxes. Create your value chart as shown making sure there is a difference between each box.
More Steps Involved Select a photograph that you have taken OR take a new picture. Upload it to the folder marked ½ & ½ on the desk top. Print your picture out to a 5x7 size. Two people per print on our 8x10 paper. Determine which half you will draw. CAREFULLY cut your image in half where you have decided to split it up.
Trace the major lines of your photo if you need to help you with your drawing Glue the part of the picture you are keeping the photograph onto the drawing paper and trace the major lines on the other half. Begin adding your value and completing your drawing.
Take it a step further….. Extra credit Now take a picture of your original photo again holding up the part you drew. Can you do it?