Hab Placement and Landing Site
Pic 1, Ref 4
Picture 1 The red circle indicates the approximate location of the hab. The blue box shows an approximate landing area. Both the circle and the box are the areas that receive the most sunlight. The location of the hab is approximately 89.69˚S and 163˚W
Pic 2, Ref 1
Picture 2 The green box represents the area of interest (which is located within the South Pole Aitken Basin) The yellow circle is Shackleton Crater –located at 89.9˚S –19 km diameter The orange circle is de Gerlache Crater –Located at 88.5°S and 87.1°E –32.4 km diameter The South Pole Aitken Basin is 12 km in depth, but actual depths of craters are unknown
Pic 3, Ref 1
Picture 3 Pink box represents the area of interest
Pic 4, Ref 4
Rover Access Picture 4 represents possible routes for the rovers to access the craters
Terrain and Temperature Picture 1 is the best terrain map that we have. While topographical maps of the lunar south pole exist, none contain data of our area of interest. Temperatures on the moon can be 100˚C in the sunlight and -180˚C in the dark. It is said that the permanently lit areas could be a balmy -50˚C The temperature in the craters never get above -230˚C
References 1.Clementine Images _index.shtml _index.shtml 2.Garrick-Bethell, et al. “Areas of Favorable Illuminations at the Lunar Poles Calculated from Topography.” Kruijff,Michiel. “The Peaks of Eternal Light on the Lunar South Pole.” utec.com/papers/ESTECMoonPaperFinal2.pdfhttp:// utec.com/papers/ESTECMoonPaperFinal2.pdf 4.Stooke, P.J. “Exploration Strategies and Landing Sites at the Lunar South Pole.”