Center of Excellence for Information and Computing Technology IT/CS Program Review by Industry Panel
About CoE for ICT Statewide resource for: Community and technical colleges K-20 educational system Information technology (IT) industry Information resource and solutions-provider Best practices for IT education and training IT trends that impact hiring and educational needs and business growth K-20 faculty professional development conferences and student events
Overview of the Project The Center was awarded a grant from the State Board for CTCs to review the IT/CS programs of six community and technical colleges in Washington State. There was an on-line application process, and six colleges were chosen
Our Job Today Perform a high level review of the courses contained in the program for the program assigned to this panel. Technical competency Professional judgment
Introductions Name Company Current job title # years in IT
You Will Review... The name of the program The courses in the program The general content of the courses The usefulness of this program for obtaining a job and success in the job
Completion Process How to pick up their checks: At the end of your session, complete the A19 and W-9, and a check should be sent to you in 7 to 15 business days.
Thank You! Center of Excellence for Information and Computing Technology