Endangered animals
Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень bigbigger hot the most interesting good the smallest beautiful
Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень bigbiggerthe biggest hothotterthe hottest interestingmore interesting The most interesting goodbetterthe best smallsmallerThe smallest beautifulmore beautiful the most beautiful
1.Steppes 2.Saiga 3.The North-West Precaspian region 4.Antelopes 5.Grass and plants 6.Hunt 7.Is falling 8.Horns 9.population 1.Steppes 2.Saiga 3.The North-West Precaspian region 4.Antelopes 5.Grass and plants 6.Hunt 7.Is falling 8.Horns 9.population
1.It has got a longer nose than other antelopes. 2.Each year this number gets smaller. 1.It has got a longer nose than other antelopes. 2.Each year this number gets smaller.
1.The saiga lives on the… 2.It can… 3. It travels… 4.People hunt them for… 5 The saiga population…
1.The saiga lives in Spain. 2.It can fly and dance. 3. It eats bananas and carrots. 4.People hunt them for their skin (кожа) 5 The saiga population gets more.
1.It (they)live(s)… 2.It (they) can… 3.It (they)eat(s)… 4.They are endangered animals.
Homework Упр. 1 стр.72 на выбор рассказать об одном из животных. Сделать рисунок