ASIPP PSI experiments report PSI Group and HT-7 Team
ASIPP A fueling termination experiment: the property of wall recycling Ar-seeded plasma experiment: active control of heat load W-coating materials testing Dust measurement First mirror
ASIPP Evaluation of Carbon during Long Pulse Discharges The rapid increasing of local temperature in limiter tiles lead higher carbon erosion yield and self-sputtering yield
ASIPP Evaluation of Oxygen during Long Pulse Discharges
ASIPP Recycling of Hydrogen and isotope
ASIPP Estimate of Recycling effective particle confinement OH: 80699/ 81435/ LHCD: 80702/ 81481/ 81483
ASIPP IP~125KA, ne~1.5, Te~0.5Kev, Ar Ar-seeded plasma for OH Discharges
ASIPP Te(0) W/O impurity seeded presented by Yun GQ, and TS Group
ASIPP Temperature of Belt limiter (Ion Side) presented by Lin Hui
ASIPP Thank you for your attention