XCON CCMP Call Flow Examples draft-barnes-xcon-examples-00 Authors: Mary Barnes Chris Boulton Lorenzo Miniero Simon Pietro Romano XCON WG IETF-72 Meeting Dublin, Ireland, Tuesday, July 29, 2008
1 XCON CCMP Call Flow Examples July 29, 2008 Contents ã Objectives ã Overview ã Content ã Issues/Questions ã Way Forward ã Comments/Questions
2 XCON CCMP Call Flow Examples July 29, 2008 Objectives ã Foundation for protocol development is complete with publication of XCON Framework ã XCON Data model almost done ã CCMP protocol document progressing well ã Call flows bring together the details from the data model with the protocol ã Developing flows is key to identifying gaps in protocol (and data model).
3 XCON CCMP Call Flow Examples July 29, 2008 Overview ã Initial scenarios based on those from section 9 of XCON Framework (RFC 5239) and draft-boulton-xcon-session- chat per IETF-71 discussion ã Detailed Call Flow examples are being developed in parallel with protocol document: —Provides validation of protocol details —Provides input to prototype work —Feedback from prototype in the form of details form the basis of the details for the flows ã Complements Call Flow document in MEDIACTRL
4 XCON CCMP Call Flow Examples July 29, 2008 Content ã Provides a logical view for implementing protocol, including state diagrams. ã Conference Creation section provides all variations: —Default, specific conference instance, blueprint, —Provides a building block that is independent of subsequent conference operations ã Each example scenario consists of the following: —Intro text —Ladder diagram —Text describing the ladder diagram messaging —Messaging details: –Derived from prototype
5 XCON CCMP Call Flow Examples July 29, 2008 Open issues (1/2): State Diagrams ã Authors believe that the detailed state diagrams for the conferencing server and conference control client provides guidance (informational or BCP) for implementing the protocol Proposal: Add the details after next protocol revision.
6 XCON CCMP Call Flow Examples July 29, 2008 Open issues (2/2): Is the current format and planned content sufficient ã Is current approach readable, informative and useful? ã Should we add more text upfront with implementation guidance? ã Are there any other key flows that should be added (prototyped)?
7 XCON CCMP Call Flow Examples July 29, 2008 Way Forward ã Complete the initial flows: —Adding ladder diagrams —Converting text to appropriate steps, including appropriate messages names and indentifying parameters ã Move forward based on Issue feedback ã Add details for steps as prototype evolves ã Solicit additional feedback from WG and potential developer community
8 XCON CCMP Call Flow Examples July 29, 2008 ANY COMMENTS/Questions?