What to do week 5! In preparation for the client meeting! Please see the schedule for everything else…
Main event – show stuff working From Milestone 2 rubric (the last thing): 2. Throw Away Prototype (50 points) Your team will also create a throw-away running prototype. The throw away prototype does not have to be an elegant product but a work in progress that may or may not be used later in the project. Here are the key requirements for the throw-away prototype: 1.It must have some GUI elements and must show some transitions that are part of the main or alternate flow of a use case(s). 2.The prototype must be able to talk with the backend database and present dummy data. It should at least have two good examples each for reading and writing into the database. This is only done as a demo – to the client on Friday, Oct 11. I’ll grade it based on what I see at this demo. You can / should show it to your PM first, if that’s possible.
Additional event – Domain model Today, each team will do one on the board, for the whole system. Pick a new team member to be on the “cross team domain modeling team.” – They will be responsible for capturing your model from today’s board work – With the other members of this cross-team, they will create and post to Google Groups a “domain model” for your client to review Friday. – This model must have a good explanation, as well as the picture! – Before Thursday class, one of them will send to your client(s), noting it’s ready for review. Copy me. – Last thing Friday, this cross-team will lead discussion of the domain model with the client.
The domain model’s destiny This model is an example of design work for your project. For MS3, we’ll include it as a part of your turn-in work. We’re in the middle of adding a few pieces like this to MS3. Likely also for MS3, add interaction diagrams: – For the domain – “SSD’s” – Inside the domain – “SD’s” and “Communication diagrams” – More on these later this week!