Design thinking is an orientation that new, better things are possible, and that you and I can make it happen. It is fundamentally about being aware of the situations around you, seeing that you have a role in creating it, and deciding to take action toward a more desirable future. We use design thinking for little challenges and big ones.
Rules of Brainstorming Defer Judgement One Conversation at a time Go for Quantity Build on ideas of others Stay focused Headline your ideas Be Visual Wild and Crazy Ideas
Rules of Brainstorming Build on the Ideas of Others
Rules of Brainstorming Stay Focused Jim needs a way to satisfy his craving for world travel in a way that is respectful of his budget and fear of leaving his closet Ben needs a way to find true love, a way to make him feel like a superhero, and a better solution to keep in touch with his mother and his pet goldfish.
NTU Students launch D.Thinking! THE NTU Times Building Creative confidence - Since 1879 Headline your ideas Think about how to capture the key elements in 10 seconds or less...
Rules of Brainstorming Be Visual
Rules of Brainstorming Wild and Crazy Ideas
Rules of Brainstorming What NOT to do...
Lets look at a good brainstorm! Rules of Brainstorming
Activity Time!