Course Introduction 司选海 QQ:
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai2 1 2 Course Review Course Plan
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai3 Course Review The Sentence The Paragraph The Essay The Summary
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai4 What’s a “good Sentence” ? A good sentence Sentence structures Sentence patterns Function Functional units
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai5 1. A good sentence: 1.Correct in grammar 2. Right in punctuation 5. Idiomatic in expression 3. Clear in meaning 4. Good in diction
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai6 2. Sentence structures Simple Compound Complex Compound complex
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai7 3. Sentence patterns V (There be, etc.) + S S+ link-v + predicative S+V S+ vi. S + vt. + object(s)
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai8 4. Function Subject, predicate Object, appositive Attribute Adverbial independent element modifiers the modified
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai9 5. Functional units Word Phrase Clause
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai10 Common Errors Fragments Comma faults Run-on sentences Shifted construction Mixed construction
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai11 1. Narration 2. Description 3. Argument 4. Exemplification 5. Listing 10. Definition 6. Process 7. Classification 8. Cause & effect 9. Comparison & contrast 1. Narration 2. Description 3. Argumentation Ways of presenting supporting facts Paragraph Composition 4. Exposition Ways to build a paragraph
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai12 The Essay: The Basics Discourse patterns Strategies Steps The outline
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai13 1. Discourse patterns Introductory remark Thesis statement Topic sentence 1 Developing sentences (Supporting facts) Topic sentence 2 Developing sentences (Supporting facts) Topic sentence 3 Developing sentences (Supporting facts) Restatement Closing remark Head OR introductory paragraph Conclusion Body
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai14 (1) Narrow the scope of discussion. (2) Make clear your attitude toward the subject at the beginning. (3) Prepare sufficient supporting facts. (4) Conclude your essay with a forceful restatement of the thesis. 2. Strategies
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai15 2. Strategies Always remember to (1) achieve unity (2) maintain logical order (3) gain coherence (4) Dramatize the issue (5) Establish authority (6) Make concessions
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai16 2. Strategies 标题搬入中心句,写作方法看文体。 文章分成三大段,段段都有主题句。 上下段小中间大,论据排列要合理。 承上启下很重要,起承转合要牢记。 卷面整洁字写好,认真检查勿忘记。
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai17 3. Steps Think carefully Make an outline Write Check
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai18 4. The outline ∴ Topic idea ∵ Supporting facts
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai19 1. Forms of composition (1) Narration: (2) Argumentation: (3) Exposition: (4) Description: time, place, character, event argument (point), supporting facts point, supporting facts (details) order, diction
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai20 3. The Summary OutlineEssayTopic sentenceParagraph Expansion
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai21 condensation in your own words Summary: central idea & paraphrase Method: Skills : Aim of learning: To develop writing skills topic idea topic sentence developing sentences expressions ways to express ※ ※
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai22 4. Summary writing Original writing OutlineSummary generalize expand Condensation Expansion
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai23 Schedule for the semester 1—8 周 (单双周 上课,共 四次课) 《强化篇》第三章第二、六节 《强化篇》第三章第三节 《强化篇》第三章第四节 《强化篇》第三章第五节 第9周第9周五一黄金周放假 (不受调课影响) 第 10 周阶段性测试 ( 2 小时测试 +2 小时课内答疑) 第 11 周期终考试周,课内答疑,教师学生按时到位 周包班教学,一个早晨前两个小时模考,后两个小时重 点讲解。 ( 60% 的平时成绩还在记录中, 测试成绩只是记录次 数,不计具体分数)
Course Introduction Si Xuanhai24