TODAY YOU WILL…. * Be given a quick reminder of DTP principles and will be asked questions as a class to see how much you remember/don’t remember. * You will partake in an individual task to boost your knowledge and understanding of DTP principles. DESK TOP PUBLISHING PRINCIPLES ARE VASTLY IMPORTANT 29 MARKS in your prelim, and most likely final exam, are on DTP Principles. So pay attention ;)
DOMINANCE? is the largest item on the page. This captures your attention first. Alignment? Text – centre aligned Unity? repeated colour this can also be seen in the cigarette Line? Is used to separate the main poster from additional information Contrast? Bold black text against the white background – contrasting colours. Contrast can also be seen in the difference in text size between the title and additional info at the bottom Let’s see how much you already know… WHAT DESK TOP PUBLISHING PRINCIPLES CAN YOU SEE?
White space? Avoids cluttering the layout – makes poster easier to follow. Reverse? A lighter typeface on a darker background. This makes it easy to read and stand out Alignment? Text is centre aligned. This helps the flow of the poster as the general layout is very symmetrical. Headline/title is aligned with the head. Position? Symmetrical layout. Image and text are all centred. This makes the poster easy to follow. Contrast? Text colour– white and pink against black. Text size- Heading is much larger than bottom text. This shows order of importance Unity? Title and background are same colour Subtext and image are same colour
PAGE 42 Jessica Bakeman WHAT DESK TOP PUBLISHING PRINCIPLES CAN YOU SEE? Header? Text at top of page which is sometimes repeated through the document. Footer? Text at bottom of page. Usually a page number Headline/heading? Title of the document. Drop capital? A larger letter at the start of a sentence to highlight text/draw your attention to it. Image? Column? Columns of text. Gutter? Space between columns of text ANY MORE?
* This is an individual task. You will need - A computer - Publisher/PagePlus - DTP WORD BANK - Your brain! 1. You are to choose a Poster layout & A magazine layout of your choice. (within reason) 2. Copy and paste these into a publisher document. 3. Just as in the previous examples, write all the relevant DTP principles around the page. 4. Look for examples which contain a lot of DTP principles. (Your DTP word bank will help you with this.) You have till the end of the period to complete this. That should be roughly 15 minutes per layout.