What I study
To study べんきょう します Benkyoo shimasu
What subjects do you study? なにを べんきょう しますか。 Nani wo benkyoo shimasu ka
I study…. To list the subjects you study you need to follow the pattern below: Subject 1 と (to = and) Subject 2 と Subject 3 と Subject 4 と Subject 5 etc を べんきょうします。 EG. “I study Maths, Science and English” would be: Suugaku to Rika to Eigo wo benkyoo shimasu. OR すうがくと りかと えいごを べんきょうします。
Speaking Practice How would you tell a friend that you study: Japanese, PE and SOSE? Maths, RE and Drama? Hospitality, Art and ICT? Nihongo to taiiku to shakai wo benkyoo shimasu. Suugaku to shuukyoo to engeki wo benkyoo shimasu. Kateika to bijutsu to konpyuuta wo benkyoo shimasu.
Write a sentence to explain what you study. Use hiragana and katakana. Eg. すうがくと ………… をべんきょうします。