Understanding the Learning Disability Workforce 21 June 2012
Purpose of session better understand how services for people with learning disabilities are provided - who, how, where explore how workforce information might be improved discuss how decision will be taken in the future and how to influence this
How many staff to train? Staff need to be educated / trained Service providers know their services The new Local Education and Training Board will make decisions County Partnership Councils will inform the decisions There is a fixed pot of money, so its about judgement and balance
Services for people with learning disabilities Move away from care provided by LD nurses in long-stay settings to care provided by mix of staff in range of settings Information on the workforce is poor and getting poorer
LD nurses employed in NHS in SEC (WTE) Currently over 300 WTE posts fewer than in June 2007 No information on where the posts went or whether occupied by LD nurses SEC commissioned 16 LD training places in 2012/13 (Greenwich) All degree from Sept 2012
Age profile of LD nurses in NHS in SEC
Care provided In Care Homes Independent Living Supported Living Criminal Justice By NHS Local Authorities Independent sector Charitable / Voluntary sector Staffed by Learning Disability nurses Social care staff with NVQ ?
Questions in groups Commissioners What services are being commissioned? Who from? What does a successful value for money service look like? What skills do people need? New roles? Providers / People with Learning Disabilities What will the workforce for people with learning disabilities look like in 5 years time? What skills do people need? New roles? New training models? Placement provision? All How can we improve our workforce data to support education commissions?
Next steps Key workforce messages briefing document for Commissioners of services The Local Education and Training Board The Partnership Councils
Rate of decline in LD nurses in NHS (WTE) SEC and all England
Banding profile of LD nurses in NHS in SEC