ANAS Institute of Radiation problems İ.Mustafayev, H.Mahmudov, Sadig Hasanov Beiging, 18 november 2015 Environmental safety of road transport.
Azerbaijan car park by 2014 (1000) Light cars1.048 Buses33.0 Trucks141,0 Total1.291 Road transport and consumption of fuel in Azerbaijan Fuel consumption in Azerbaijan by 2014 (1000 t) Gasoline1.360 Diesel897,0 LPG Import: 23,1 141,0
The main problems of road transport. Main problems of Azerbaijan transport system are: 1. Technical condition of cars; 2. Quality of Fuel ; 3. Road and Transport infrastructure; Generally, technically disordered cars that are not meet with standards are the main pollution source in city center. Furthermore, the amount of emissions increases by increase in the number of vehicles. Average age of cars is 13.2 in Azerbaijan. Half of the cars are produced in USSR and Russian Federation which don’t meet ecological standards. Statistics shows that, 20% of vehicles does not inspected and these cars consume more fuel and exhaust more emission. According to the decision adopted by Cabinet of Ministry in 14 th January 2014,import of vehicles which don’t meet Euro-4 standards are banned.
The number of vehicles and air pollution,
1. Evaluation of emissions in Azerbaijan has been implemented by applying COPERT-4 software. The methodology is based on an transport emission inventory included on EMEP/EEA guidebooks. 2. New catalyzer has been tested in order to reduce car emissions and application ways have been assessed. 5. Use of alternative fuel (natural gas and hydrogen) types have been evaluated to cut volume of exhaust gases from internal combustion engines. Different scenarios selected and proposed to improve of management of car pollution according to the results of monitoring. The research work
Типы выбросов Fuel, (thousand tons) Fuel consumptio nCONOxSO2CHx PM 2.5, PM 10 others Total, thous and tons COPERT 4 petrol 1697, diesel Calculating on the method of Denisov (calculated by us). petrol VOCs National methodology (calculating on the method of F.Tishenko). petrol 1030,0 528,362,3-101,749,7 742 diesel 448,6 Recalculation on the methodology in fuel consumption, resulting in corresponding COPERT IV The difference between the national methodology and COPERT 4, % 13.8% 173,8 3
Thanks for your attention! 23 oktyabr 2014