November 8, 2005 Mark Arenaz Headquarters SNF/HLW Integration Meeting
Meeting Objective Discuss issues facing EM concerning the storage, packaging, transportation and disposal of SNF and HLW Ensure common understanding by Headquarters and the Field Offices Reach decisions to the extent possible Identify a path forward for making a decision on outstanding issues with assigned actions Identify Headquarters actions where needed
Meeting Attendees Participants included: –RW-1, Paul Golan –RW, Chris Kouts and Markus Popa –NE, Joe Boda –EM-2, Charlie Anderson –EM 10 Cynthia Anderson and staff –National Spent Nuclear Fuel Program –Hanford –Idaho –Savannah River –West Valley
Issues Integrated Acceptance Schedule –Agreement on assumption and methodology –Site visits –Completed IAS by March SNF disposal paths –Cancel melt and dilute ROD –Use a combination of H-canyon and direct disposal –Evaluate the fuel swap between Idaho & SRS
Issues Need/timing of packaging and shipping capabilities –Hanford - execute current plan –Idaho – Review Idaho Dry Storage Project –SRS – Evaluate swap with continued use of H Canyon Disposal of calcine –New cost estimate for vitrification –Evaluate canisterization
Issues Disposition of sodium-bonded SNF –Fermi-1 blanket –FFTF SNF Disposition of Cs/Sr capsules –Evaluate disposal options
Issues Disposition of contact handled – unirradiated materials –Sites provide input on orphans West Valley material disposal –Miscellaneous debris and fines in processing cell
Conclusions Very successful meeting Action items are being tracked Next meeting planned in six months