University Christian Church and Dawn Mountain Center for Tibetan Buddhism Claire Villarreal, PhD
Benefits of meditation Everyone’s mind is cluttered You can get centered anytime, anywhere Lots of brain benefits (amygdala, prefrontal cortex, hemisphere synchronization, etc.) Lots of stress reduction benefits (reduced cortisol levels, reduced blood pressure, enhanced immune response, etc.)
Morning session Cultivating attention Mental abilities are like muscles, too: can be strengthened through training We face a lot of distractions now that are recent developments for humans Types of attention we’ll practice this morning Tighter, clear focus on one small area Larger, more diffuse focus through entire body Attention co-existing with thoughts Goal: you leave with tools and motivation to practice on your own
Meditation: Making friends with your mind Cause and effect Busy lives create busy minds Quiet time helps your mind settle Thoughts are not the enemy! Step one: focus Step two: insight Today’s theme: curiosity > judgment
Curiosity > Judgment Self-compassion is today’s theme, even in context of focus and attention, and cultivating curiosity instead of judgment is a huge support for self-compassion. For more information, see the work of Brené Brown ( and Kristin Neff (
Mindful movement Chi kung Yoga Walking meditation Labyrinth Gardening And so much more!
Meditation: come home to center Spine straight Body as relaxed as possible Mind settled in center of abdomen Options Focus on inhalation, exhalation, gaps Count breaths Visualize light Opportunity to practice a warm heart toward yourself Real practice is recognizing when you’re distracted and coming back
Practices today: recap Body scan Mindful movement Mindfulness of breathing Guided imagery Make friends with your mind. Curiosity > judgment
University Christian Church and Dawn Mountain Center for Tibetan Buddhism Claire Villarreal, PhD
Making friends with your mind ● Cause and effect ○ Busy lives create busy minds ○ Quiet time helps your mind settle ● Thoughts are not the enemy! ○ Step one: focus ○ Step two: kindness ● This afternoon’s theme: compassion > judgment
Cultivating your warm heart ● This afternoon's theme is compassion > judgment ● It's easier to toughen up and not feel your own discomfort than to feel fear, anxiety, weakness ● But all of those thrive on the half-attention of denial ● Real ability to overcome challenges comes from connection—with ourselves and with others
The open heart ● Four boundless states ○ Loving-kindness: may I and others be well ○ Compassion: may I and others be free from suffering ○ Joy: may I rejoice in my own good fortune and that of others ○ Equanimity: may I engage with pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral with an open heart ● “Boundless” means open to all of yourself, working toward being open to everyone ● This is true in meditation; in daily life, you draw appropriate boundaries.
Self-compassion ● From (Dr. Kristin Neff’s site), components of self-compassion: ○ Self-kindness ○ Common humanity ○ Mindfulness ● Practices to grow tender heart toward ourselves: words, body scan with light, taking and giving, imagery
Boundless Compassion ● Boundless toward ourselves: any opportunity for judgment is an opportunity for compassion ● Boundless toward others: share compassion and kindness with larger circles ● "Compassion" does not equal enabling bad behavior
Joy ● Joy as counter to jealousy ● Joy as rejoicing in your good fortune and that of others ● Joy as recognizing and permitting our own delight
Equanimity ● Even engagement ● Spaciousness of mind
Takeaways ● Making friends with your mind ● Compassion > judgment