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Math News Learning Target: I can count, write, and draw up Strategy: Count Everything! Toys, clothing come out of the dryer, utensils at the table, etc. Count forwards and backwards starting at different places. ELA News Learning Target: I can identify the sounds of the day (m,a,t,d,o, c, g, I, n, h, s, f), v, z, p, e. Strategy: Play Sound Games. Practice blending sounds into words. Ask "Can you guess what this word is? m - o - p." Hold each sound longer than normal. Important Dates 11/1 Daylight Savings Begins 11/2 Colin’s Birthday 11/10 Aniyah’s Birthday and Picture Day 11/11 Veteran's Day Recess 11/20 Report Cards Sent Home 11/21 James’ Birthday 11/25-11/27 Thanks- Giving Recess *We appreciate the support you have given us with sending in supplies and snacks, stopping in to visit, and completing homework. Class DoJo: Our class is participating in an online program which helps track student participation, engagement, effort, and respectful behaviors. It also allows parents to communicate with us using the messaging system. A letter on how parents can participate is attached to the newsletter. Please let us know if you need any help signing on.