MMI Prep session Presented by: Prepared by: Emily Leaman
Overview Structure of the MMIs & question types General tips Approach to ethical questions 2015 example topics Practice scenarios Resources Your questions
MMI basics Structure: Possible question types: Depends on the school Usually 2 minutes to read the scenario, 8 minutes in the room May be allowed to make notes outside May interact with interviewer, actor, and/or other applicants Possible question types: Ethical dilemmas Communication skills Personal attributes Healthcare policy/systems Critical thinking/problem solving
MMI General tips Reflect on your experiences & use key take-aways as examples when appropriate Ensure you are answering the question at hand Try to have 3 key messages/points for each station Summarize your main argument at the end of your initial discussion “Be yourself!”
Approach to ethical questions Express the case simply but with pertinent details What is the dilemma? What decision needs to be made? What are the alternatives? Apply 3 key considerations: Autonomy: what are the patient’s capable wishes and values? Beneficence: what is the best thing that can be done for the patient? Justice: is the patient receiving what is fair? Consider involving others (ex: experts, family members, etc.) and professional and cultural norms, legal precedents Propose a resolution Consider your choice critically. Would your colleagues support it? Your conscience? Under what circumstances would you change your recommendation? Do the right thing – “all things considered.”
Possible 2015 MMI Topics Aboriginal health inequities Student/medical voluntourism LGBTQ accessibility to healthcare Vaccination & public health policy Conscientious objection & necessary medical services Health human resources & rural medicine Social media & professionalism Hospital personnel policy Qualities important for a physician Role model Collaboration with another applicant Unemployment & disability Student placements in Aboriginal communities Reflect on personal mistakes, qualities, strengths/weaknesses Acting station: citizen’s objection to new methadone clinic Professionalism in personal life Health resources policy – public vs. private health care
Practice Scenario 1 An 18 year old female arrives in the emergency room with a profound nose bleed. You are the physician, and you have stopped the bleeding. She is now in a coma from blood loss and will die without a transfusion. A nurse finds a recent signed card from Jehovah’s Witnesses Church in the patient’s purse refusing blood transfusions under any circumstance. What would you do?
Practice scenario 2 There is an outbreak of an incredibly contagious life-threatening disease. The disease is spreading across the country at a rapid rate and the survival rate is less than 50%. You are a senior health care administrator, and when the vaccine is developed, you have priority to receive the drug. Do you take the vaccine yourself or give it to another person? Why or why not?
Practice scenario 3 If the Prime Minister of Canada were to ask your advice on one change that could be applied to the healthcare system in Canada that would improve it enormously and have the greatest positive effect, how would you answer? Provide reasoning for your recommendation.
Practice scenario 4 What are some pros and cons to legalizing assisted suicide in Canada? When is it appropriate to participate in the assisted suicide of a patient? Why or why not?
Resources Doing Right: A Practical Guide to Ethics for Medical Trainees and Physicians by Philip C. Hébert UBC Centre for Student Involvement and Careers MMI Sample Questions Medical school websites SFU Pre-med clubs/societies, career centre SFU mock MMIs UBC or SFU MMI practice groups Practice questions from across the country will be posted on our blog:
Questions? Thanks for coming!