Sending photograph for computer laboratory digital id-card
Requirements: Size of picture in pixel: 116 x 154 Full size:116 x 184 Name and Neptun-code: Type of font: Arial (Central European) Fontsize: 8 point Fontcolor: black Font style: regular Fileformat:JPG 116 pixel 154 pixel 30 pixel 184 pixel
Step of task: 1. Digitazing of your photo (MS Photo Editor) 2. Editing photo (MS Paint) 3. Conveting file (IrfanView or MS Photo Editor) 4. Data transfer, (Pegasus Mail)
1.1 Selecting scanner
1.2 Preview of scanning
1.3 Setting parameters
1.4 Setting of picture size
1.5 Enlargement, reducement
1.6 Rotation
1.7 Saving file
2.1 Checking size, refinement
2.2 Place for name and Neptun- code
2.3 Titleing
2.4 Check final size
3 Converting file
4.1 Sending mail (addressee, subject!)
4.2 Attaching picture file