4.04 Sales Promotions II
Purposes of an Event Program Allows fans/spectators to follow event more closely Opportunity to promote team/venue Opportunity to sell ad space in order to generate revenue Promotional tool when fans take them home
Developing an Event Program Cost Price Size Quality Advertisers
Technology Used in Event Programs Desktop publisher Word processor Photo editor Graphics creator
Importance of Layout Make content easy to read Attracts attention Provide reader cues
Components of an Event Program Cover Info about cast/crew Info about organization Advertising
Term Script: rundown of what happens when on game day Event (game or concert) Announcements Promotions
Importance of a Script Organizes game/event Lets participants know when to be on field/stage
Components in Scripts Event Time Place/entry Responsible parties Pronunciation of hard-to-pronounce names
Adding Excitement to an Event Celebrity appearances Giveaways Contests