What Domain do Insects Belong to? EUKARYA The Domain – _____________ Why do Insects belong to this domain? They have a ______________ NUCLEUS
What KINDGDOM do Insects Belong to? ANIMALIA The Kingdom – _____________ More commonly called ___________________ The Animal Kingdom
4 MAJOR CLASSES OF ARTHROPODS Crustaceans Arachnids Centipedes & Millipedes INSECTS
Why are INSECTS in the phylum of Arthropoda *Why are INSECTS in the phylum of Arthropoda? *What do these classes have in common? Characteristics of Arthropods: Arthros is Greek for _________ Podos is Greek for _____________ or ___________ JOINT FOOT LEG
What is an Arthropod? Invertebrate with exoskeleton Segmented body, Jointed body attachments called Appendages = body outgrowths Legs, antennae, claws or wings
Arthropod Growth Arthropods must ____ or (______________ periodically) in order to grow. MOLT SHED EXOSKELETON As an arthropod grows larger, its exoskeleton cannot expand. The growing arthropod is trapped within its exoskeleton, like a knight in armor that is too small. Arthropods solve this problem by occasionally shedding their exoskeletons and growing new ones that are larger. The process of shedding an outgrown exoskeleton is called molting. After an arthropod has molted, its new skeleton is soft for a time. During that time, the arthropod has less protection from danger than it does after its new skeleton has hardened.
Phylum Arthropoda Broken Down into 4 Classes 1. Arachnids- Two body segments 8 legs NO antennae Includes spiders, scorpions, ticks & mites (chiggers) Their first body section is a combined head and midsection. The hind section, called the abdomen, is the other section. The abdomen contains the reproductive organs and part of the digestive system.
ARACHNIDS: CHIGGER Chiggers are the juvenile form (larvae) of a certain type of mite of the family Trombiculidae. Mites are arachnids (like spiders and ticks). Chiggers are found throughout the world. They most commonly live in forests, grassy fields, gardens, parks, and in moist areas around lakes or rivers. Most of the larvae that cause chigger bites are found on plants that are relatively close to the ground surface, because they require a high level of humidity for survival. What do chiggers look like? Chiggers are barely visible to the naked eye (their length is less than 1/150th of an inch). A magnifying glass may be needed to see them. They are red in color and may be best appreciated when clustered in groups on the skin. The juvenile forms have six legs, although the (harmless) adult mites have eight legs. Chigger mites infest human skin via areas of contact with vegetation, such as pant cuffs or shirt sleeves and collars. They migrate on the skin in search of an optimal feeding area. A common myth about chiggers is that they burrow into and remain inside the skin. This is not true. Chiggers insert their feeding structures into the skin and inject enzymes that cause destruction of host tissue. Hardening of the surrounding skin results in the formation of a feeding tube called a stylostome. Chigger larvae then feed upon the destroyed tissue. If they are not disturbed (which is rarely the case because of they cause substantialitching) they may feed through the stylostome for a few days. The chigger's mouth and feeding structures are delicate and are best able to penetrate the skin at areas ofwrinkles, folds, or other areas of skin that are thin. Most bites occur around the ankles, the crotch and groin areas, behind the knees, and in the armpits. Barriers to migration on the skin such as belts may be one reason that chigger bites also commonly occur at the waist or at other areas where their migration is prevented by compression from clothing. The location of chigger bites contrasts with that of mosquito bites, which are usually in exposed areas of skin where mosquitos can land. A chigger bite itself is not noticeable. After the chigger has begun to inject digestive enzymes into the skin (usually after about 1-3 hours), symptoms typically begin. Pronounced itching is the most common symptom. The area of the bite may be reddened, flat, or raised; sometimes it resembles apustule or blister. The itch is due to the presence of the stylostome and usually is most intense within 1-2 days after the bite. The itching persists for several days, and complete resolution of the skin lesions can take up to two weeks.
Arthropod Classes 2. Crustaceans 2 to 3 body segments 2 pair of antennae, 5 or more pair of legs, Includes crabs, lobsters, shrimp, crayfish, pill bugs & barnacles Obtaining Oxygen and Food Because crustaceans live in watery environments, most have gills to obtain oxygen. The gills are located beneath the shell of a crustacean. Water containing oxygen reaches the gills as a crustacean moves along in its environment. Crustaceans obtain food in many ways. Some are scavengers that eat dead plants and animals. Others are predators, eating animals they have killed. The pistol shrimp is a predator with an appendage that moves with such force that it stuns its prey. Krill, which are shrimplike crustaceans that live in cold ocean waters, are herbivores that eat plantlike microorganisms. In turn, krill are eaten by predators such as fishes, penguins, seals, and even great blue whales, the world’s largest animals.
CRUSTACEAN EXAMPLES So common that they are easily overlooked, pill bugs (Armadillidium vulgare) are very numerous in our yard. These creatures are not insects but crustaceans Being related to aquatic crustaceans, pill bugs have gills that must be kept damp. Their hard exoskeletons do an admirable job of reducing moisture loss, and pill bugs can be seen crawling around in all but the very driest conditions. They will drown if submerged in water. Pill bugs are scavengers that eat just about anything, including dead vegetation, tender seedlings, animal droppings, and the leather on shoes. Pill bugs are native to Europe and were introduced to the U.S. where they are now widespread. They are most frequently found under rocks, in compost piles, and in well-watered lawns.
CRUSTACEAN LIFE CYCLE Life Cycle Most crustaceans, such as crabs, barnacles, and shrimp, begin their lives as microscopic, swimming larvae. The bodies of these larvae do not resemble those of adults. Crustacean larvae develop into adults by metamorphosis (met uh mawrfuh sis), a process in which an animal’s body undergoes dramatic changes in form during its life cycle.
CRUSTACEAN OBTAINING FOOD - PISTOL SHRIMP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKPrGxB1Kzchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKPrGxB1Kzc Obtaining Oxygen and Food Because crustaceans live in watery environments, most have gills to obtain oxygen. The gills are located beneath the shell of a crustacean. Water containing oxygen reaches the gills as a crustacean moves along in its environment. Crustaceans obtain food in many ways. Some are scavengers that eat dead plants and animals. Others are predators, eating animals they have killed. The pistol shrimp is a predator with an appendage that moves with such force that it stuns its prey. Krill, which are shrimplike crustaceans that live in cold ocean waters, are herbivores that eat plantlike microorganisms. In turn, krill are eaten by predators such as fishes, penguins, seals, and even great blue whales, the world’s largest animals.
Diversity of Arthropods 3.Millipedes & Centipedes Many body sections Many pairs of legs Millipedes are herbivores or plant eaters, Centipedes are carnivores or meat eaters
Diversity of Arthropods 3.Millipedes & Centipedes Millipedes are herbivores or plant eaters, Centipedes are carnivores or meat eaters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE-LMPHR_TY (Monster Wars 28 min) Centipedes and millipedes are arthropods with two body sections and many pairs of legs. The two body sections are a head with one pair of antennae, and a long abdomen with many segments. Centipedes have one pair of legs attached to each segment. Some centipedes have more than 100 segments. In fact, the word centipede means “hundred feet.” Centipedes are swift predators that inject venom into their prey. Millipedes, which may have more than 80 segments, have two pairs of legs on each segment—more legs than any other arthropod. Though millipede means “thousand feet,” they don’t have quite that many legs. Most millipedes are scavengers that graze on partly decayed leaves. When they are disturbed, millipedes can curl up into a ball, protected by their tough exoskeleton. Some will also squirt an awful-smelling liquid at a potential predator.
Diversity of Arthropods 4. Insects…Most successful class in terms of diversity Characteristics of Insects: 6 legs 3 body segments One pair of antennae Invertebrate with Exoskeleton
Metamorphosis Series of changes in body shape and form during life history Incomplete M: 3 stages including nymph (smaller, immature version of adult)
Complete M: 4 stages including larva (wormlike creature which eats and grows) and pupa (enclosed structure that changes into adult form)