Scientific investigations & work from many fields to improve the health and well being of humans and animals.
Advances better health of humans and animals. Discovers of new and improved practices in clinical medicine.
Practically any area of medicine that can be thought of is being biomedically researched.
1. Public health research, including epidemiology 2. Preventive medicine and behavioral health 3. Cancer research 4. Aging research 5. Endocrinology, including neuroendocrinology and diabetes research 6. Cellular biology; molecular biology 7. Pharmacology, including psychopharmacology 8. Neuroscience 9. Genetics 10. Virology 11. Premature births, including birth defects 12. Orthopedic research, including spinal injuries
National Institute of Biomedical Research According to the NABR website, “ The goal of a scientist engaged in biomedical research is to take his/her research from the bench top to the bedside.” Focuses on importance of animal testing
B asic A pplied C linical
Conducted to increase fundamental knowledge by gathering information Not directed toward solving any particular problem Provides building blocks for other types of research Examples – Used when other forms of research have taken place – Used to test potential drugs and treatments in humans – Builds on what is done in basic and applied stages – Broad variety of activities and areas of study
Directed toward specific goals Conducted using o animals o non-animals methods (computer models or tissue cultures) o humans Examples – Development of New Drug – New Medical Treatment – New Surgical Procedure
Used when other forms of research have taken place Used to test potential drugs and treatments in humans Builds on what is done in basic and applied stages Broad variety of activities and areas of study Usually Human Clinical Trials Some people are paid if willing to participate. Humans are mainly used when testing drugs Examples: – Leukemia – Cancers – AIDS – Many other diseases