Seventh Framework Programme for research and technological development The copying and distribution of this document is prohibited without a prior permission given by TsSKB-Progress TsSKB-Progress, Fax: +7(846) TsSKB-Progress STRATILATOV N.R. TsSKB-Progress EFIMOV S.I. TsSKB-Progress TIULEVINA E.S.
2 The copying and distribution of this document is prohibited without a prior permission given by TsSKB-Progress TsSKB-Progress, Fax: +7(846) Methods and means of two-way access to remote sensing databasis across EU & RF - Project period of 2 years - 5 partners - The budget is about Euros Terms of MEDEO project
3 The copying and distribution of this document is prohibited without a prior permission given by TsSKB-Progress TsSKB-Progress, Fax: +7(846) Goals: Development & implementation of new methods & means of catalog usage with images taken by Remote Sensing Spacecraft (ESA & Roskosmos) enable to supply a wide group of consumers with considerably new high quality access to Russian & European Remote Sensing Data. Objectives: 1. To develop & test high-efficient method of access to ESA & Roscosmos Data including development of dedicated Internet-portal. 2. To generate data set on the bases of ESA & Roscosmos remote sensing data with user- friendly interface. Goals and objectives of MEDEO project
4 The copying and distribution of this document is prohibited without a prior permission given by TsSKB-Progress TsSKB-Progress, Fax: +7(846) To analyze representation of ESA & Roscosmos remote sensing data as well as associated information, data control method, specific character of requirements which depend on National standards as well as adaptation to technologies-in-progress. 4. To develop methods and means of ESA & Roscomos remote sensing data integration in order to increase its efficiency to solve some tasks in the sphere of agriculture, forestry & while environmental monitoring. 5. To organize training sessions for European and Russian users operating with actual data sets as well as to distribute developed flight data-communication systems. Goals and objectives of MEDEO project
5 The copying and distribution of this document is prohibited without a prior permission given by TsSKB-Progress TsSKB-Progress, Fax: +7(846) Data of level 1 Orthotransformation Entry of RP Geodesic orientation Data of level 2A, 2B Maps DEM (2B) 300 GB Before MEDEO project
6 The copying and distribution of this document is prohibited without a prior permission given by TsSKB-Progress TsSKB-Progress, Fax: +7(846) After MEDEO project Data of level1 Orthotransformation Data of level 2A, 2B DEM (2B) 300 GB Level 1 (300GB) is divided into files of 2 GB. Factor RPC is in every file in accordance with European data entry format. 2 GB RPC
7 The copying and distribution of this document is prohibited without a prior permission given by TsSKB-Progress TsSKB-Progress, Fax: +7(846) Resurs-P space system Resurs-P space system has been developed subsequent to Resurs-DK space system and is based on the groundwork of Resurs-DK structure and hardware Resurs-P space system is meant for Earth surface survey in panchromatic, multiregion and hyperspectral ranges, and radio transmission of Earth remote sensing (ERS) data to ground receiving centres
Resurs-P SC operational orbit 8 The copying and distribution of this document is prohibited without a prior permission given by TsSKB-Progress TsSKB-Progress, Fax: +7(846) X Y Z Spacecraft O Inclination (i) ; Average altitude (H aver )475 km; Circuit interspace (L CI )23.48 ; Daily shift of flight path(L daily )7.83 . Characteristics of near-circular solar-synchronous quasigeosynchronous operational orbit Rate of covering the circuit interspace by swath at the equator by one SC by two SC 3 days 1.5 days Guaranteed lifetimeat least 5 years SC flight terminationOcean disposal
9 Resurs-P 38 × 38 km R = 0.9 m Resurs-DK × 28.3 km R = 1 m Pleiades 20 × 20 km R = 0.7 m Ikonos 11 × 11 km R = 1 m Cartosat × 9.6 km R = 0.8 m OrbView-3 8 × 8 km R = 1 m EROS-B 7 × 7 km R = 0.7 m Kompsat-2 15 × 15 km R = 1m R – pixel projection Detailed survey swath comparison
10 The copying and distribution of this document is prohibited without a prior permission given by TsSKB-Progress TsSKB-Progress, Fax: +7(846) Within Resurs-P space system development domestic and foreign users will get new opportunities for solving a wide range of problems by means of: - receiving ERS data featuring a wide range of linear resolution, from detailed to general, in panchromatic range; - surveying in seven fixed spectral ranges and receiving hyperspectral survey data; - increasing observation efficiency with data delivery up to real time; - providing up to 20 observation data receiving stations with necessary data from one spacecraft ; - increasing the accuracy of image dimensioning and determination of object position in images including the cases without reference data; - high-efficiency observation; -synchronized surveying in various spectral ranges. Along with enhancing capabilities of Earth observation satellite it is envisaged to further develop infrastructure of ground facilities for planning of satellite survey, ERS data reception, processing and transmission within the Resurs-DK project. Summary
The copying and distribution of this document is prohibited without a prior permission given by TsSKB-Progress TsSKB-Progress, Fax: +7(846)