Daily Dump Create wealth from waste Practical way to get value from kitchen and garden waste
Solution to urban garbage problems Compact Less space About 1sq.foot per family Affordable Less cost Rs 1000 to Rs 2000 per family Simple Less effort 2 minutes per day
Controlled composting Enclosed Odourless Rodent proof Easy to harvest compost
Composting can be done by anyone As easy as Put daily kitchen waste into the pots. Add drying agent (dry leaves, shredded newspaper) Add powder and stir twice a week
Timeline First batch of compost comes in 2 to 3 months. Subsequent batches in every 3 to 4 weeks. Three or more containers used to make composting faster.
Daily dump and Vermiculture
Zero Garbage Homes Separation of wet and dry happens. Wet waste gets converted to compost Dry waste can now be given to local recyclers. Home gets value from waste.
Leads to… Zero garbage buildings Clean localities, clean cities. Municipal van need not come to your building
Range of Applications Canteens Hospitals Hotels Green Buildings
Employment generation Potters art is revived Rag-pickers and Recyclers also get their share of business.
Reduce cost to Government The municipal department spends less on collecting, transporting and disposing of waste. Money saved can be used for useful projects like education, health care and parks.
Environmental Benefits Reduced Health hazards Pollution Waste reaching unscientific land fills that adversely affect communities and bio- diversity.
Reduces Global Warming Less transport. Savings on fuel consumption. Landfills become less resulting in reduced methane emission which is a green house gas.
Changing Mindsets Individual initiative as opposed to government involvement. People become doers rather than complainers
More than a solution!!! Major problem has become a major gain Benefits to individuals, government, economy, society and environment.
The Movement The brainchild of Bangalore based Poonam Kasturi “Design” as a socially productive tool Clones in multiple cities of India
Accolades for Daily Dump Received the “Star Entrepreneur Award” at the International India Innovation Summit. Made it to the final round of the Sankalp Enterprise and Investment Forum Award. Made it to the top 30 of the TATA NEN Cool Start-ups contest.
Daily Dump Mumbai Production in Mumbai Retail outlet Tie up with NGOs and businesses for dry waste recycling
SUNSAAR Clone of Daily Dump in Mumbai Energy Conservation and Waste Management Solutions Contact information 022 – Energy Saving LED Lighting Solar Thermal Solutions
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