REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group EXPERIENCES OF TURKEY ON 2011 POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS Baris UCAR November 27-29, 2012 Seoul
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Contents 1.Background Traditional Census Registers 2. Methodology of the Census Census model, application period, application method, Topics covered in the survey Field application Data processing Registers used Monitoring the field application 3. Use of Information Technologies 4. Main lessons learnt
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Traditional census every five years 2000
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Traditional census National curfew One day De facto Data process: 3,5 years
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group National Address Database (NAD) which covers all addresses within the boundaries of the country with unique identification number established in Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS) covering information on usual place of residence of all people living in the country established in Registers in Turkey
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group ABPRS Population Results Population results refering 31 December based on the new system are announced to the public every year in January. –Population by localities (province, district, sub-district and village) –Age and sex structure, –Internal migrations, –Legal marital status, –Place of registration, –Educational status, –Nationality of persons living in Turkey (Turkish citizens and foreigners) All information is available on the web site (
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group PHS was conducted in order to obtain the information nationally needed and internationally recommended on demographic, social, economic and housing characteristics of the population. Census Model: Combined model was used (by using population registers and by conducting a big sample survey) Application Method: Face to face interview with netbooks (CAPI) and by using paper based questionnaires Application Period: October-December, Population And Housing Census
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Main purpose of conducting a survey is to obtain information that are not available in the ABPRS, other administrative registers and that can not be obtained from regular household surveys in province and district level. Registers were used to compile data about some basic population topics, determining the address frame, reducing response burden and to improve the quality of the census information 2011 Population And Housing Census
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Registers NAD -population size -age and sex structure -legal marital status -place of birth -literacy and educational attainment -size of households -relationship between household members -births -deaths -population size -age and sex structure -legal marital status -place of birth -literacy and educational attainment -size of households -relationship between household members -births -deaths Defining enumeration areas Selecting sample enumeration areas TOPICS INCLUDED IN QUESTIONNAIRE - Building and housing characteristics -Marital status -Place of usual residence one and five years prior to the census -Reason for migration -Ever resided abroad and year of arrival in the country -Disability -Literacy and educational attainment -Attendance to pre-primary/pre-school/kindergarten -Labor force status -Fertility -Deaths (infant, child and adult) TOPICS INCLUDED IN QUESTIONNAIRE - Building and housing characteristics -Marital status -Place of usual residence one and five years prior to the census -Reason for migration -Ever resided abroad and year of arrival in the country -Disability -Literacy and educational attainment -Attendance to pre-primary/pre-school/kindergarten -Labor force status -Fertility -Deaths (infant, child and adult) TOPICS COVERED IN THE CENSUS
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group A big sample survey of about 2.4 million households (approximately 12,7% of the total households) Complete enumeration of institutional places (military barracks, university dormitories, nursing homes, prisons, orphanages, etc.) 2011 Population And Housing Survey
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Enumeration areas were defined on National Addres Database including approximately 100 inhabited dwellings (dwellings in which persons registered in ABPRS) Out of enumeration areas sample enumeration areas were selected (11,7%) enumeration areas (in province and district centers) enumeration areas (in village) 2011 Population And Housing Survey
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Field application Approximately enumerators, 383 supervisors and responsible persons for each region, province and district were charged 6.2 million addresses were enumareted 8,5 million persons were interviewed Non-response rate was 7,2%
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Household Application Application in Institutional Places Interview with households (Netbook+paper based questionnaire) Interview with households (Netbook+paper based questionnaire) Application of questionnaires (paper based questionnaire) Application of questionnaires (paper based questionnaire) Stage 1. Controlling the addresses Stage Population and Housing Survey Field Application, October-December, 2011 Stage Population and Housing Survey Field Application, October-December, 2011 Controlling the addresses in sample enumeration areas September, 2011 Controlling the addresses in sample enumeration areas September, 2011 Controlling the addresses of institutional places April-July, 2011 Controlling the addresses of institutional places April-July, 2011 Stages of the field application
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Selection of enumeration area
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Address List Screen
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Personal Interview
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Data processing On line Reports Web Dissemination Production Database TurkStat Regions Analyis of data Backup unit Firewall Web Services Web Services Face to face with quest. Questionnaire Face to face with Notebook Daily backup
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Monitoring field application Daily and weekly reports were taken from central system to monitor the field application, Simultaneous web based consistency check reports visualised to the Regional Offices during the field application for approvement, Field data were checked with administrative records (MERNIS, etc.) and sent to ROs for approvement Mail group was created to communicate with field staff.
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group NAD (National Address Database) was used as an address frame Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS) was mainly used to avoid multiple records to reduce response burden –personal Id numbers –name/surname, sex, date of birth etc. Central population registration System (MERNIS) and social security records were used to improve the quality of the census information –Birth records –Death records Registers Used In Census
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group The number of field staff needed for collecting data was less than 2000 Population Census. This created advantage in terms of budget, quality of staff and controlling the field operation and logistics Netbook usage (CAPI) provided some cross checks between answers at the time of interview. Checks in the program increased the data quality Netbook usage for data capture created time efficiency compared to other methods (ICR, manual data entry) By the online data transfer which allowed enumerators sent data to the main system, field application can be monitored daily through central web based system Advantages of the Methodology
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Because it was the first time to use this methodology it was a challenge in terms of lacking of experience Because the data collection period is quite long (2-3 months) the gap between the reference date increased National Address Database has some problems in terms of building codes identifies buildings. This was a challenge for creating checks in the netbook program In some regions finding the addresses in the field was still a problem that NAD is not updated regularly by the municipalities Disadvantages of the Methodology
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Lessons Learnt Duration of data entry program testing should be longer and further program testing procedures should be applied A long term period program should be implemented for choosing and training of the field staff Geographical Information Systems(GIS) should be used for creating enumeration areas on orthophotos Duration of the field application period should be shorter Administrative registers should be used during the field application to check the quality of the data(simultaneously from the beginning to the end of the field application) Organization of the institutional places should be completed earlier and the field application should be completed in 1 week. Instead of manual data entry of regional offices, each institutional place can realize own data entry on a web based program
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Plans for the next census: fully register based analyzing stages should be tested in advance quality control study should be done according to a scheduled program integrating the current surveys with registers should be warranted and new thechniques should be explored Future Plans
REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Thank you for your attention…