Thomas More’s Utopia Utopia tells the story of a fictional island called Utopia (u + topia = no place). Raphael, the character who describes the customs, politics, and beliefs, thinks the Utopians’ way of life is ideal. He addresses many of the challenges of society and explains how the Utopians handle these challenges.
Utopia After Reading: 1.What challenges/ problems do you think existed in More’s society that he is attempting to address in his Utopia? How does he resolve those challenges in his Utopia? 2.Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of More’s utopian society.
My Utopia (pg. 100) Take The Giver introductory survey. Answer true or false. Look back at your written response of what your “perfect” society would look like. Share with your small group, and together, define a set of values that would be found in a utopian society or community. What are three your group thinks would be most important? Explain your choices. Respond independently to questions 2 and 3 (pgs ).
“Harrison Bergeron” 1.What differences did you note between the short story and the short film? Which did you prefer? Why? 2. How did the differences impact your understanding of the story? Did you find yourself interpreting elements of the story differently? Explain.