What is a spectrum? A condition that is not limited to a specific set of values but can vary infinitely within a continuum. The word saw its first scientific use within the field of optics to describe the rainbow of colors in visible light when separated using a prism; it has since been applied by analogy to many fields. Thus one might talk about the spectrum of political opinion. In these uses, values within a spectrum are not necessarily precisely defined numbers as in optics; exact values within the spectrum are not precisely quantifiable. Such use implies a broad range of conditions or behaviors grouped together and studied under a single title for ease of discussion.
The US Political Spectrum RadicalLiberalModerateConservativeReactionary
R ADICAL ’ S B ASIC A SSUMPTIONS Man is perfectible as he is a product of his environment. A utopian society based upon brotherhood can be created. Real meaningful change towards equality and true peace comes only through violence. Total equality of status for humans is desirable. Change is essential and violent if necessary. Established rules are BAD. They generally view their assumptions as correct. Current system created by enemies to keep them down.
L IBERAL ’ S B ASIC A SSUMPTIONS Humans can basically be trusted. Humans control their own destiny. Variety in human values and behavior is acceptable and even desirable. Equality of opportunity and access are more important than individual economic freedom. Free expression is important. Rapid peaceful change for improvement is necessary and good. Less military wanted.
C ONSERVATIVE ’ S B ASIC A SSUMPTIONS Humans need strong guidance throughout their lives. Traditional values are important. Traditional authority is important. Individual economic freedom should not be jeopardized in attempts to achieve equality. Free expression is good when appropriate. Change only is only good when tested and proven. Limit authority of federal government. Military preparedness is essential. Want to conserve the best traditions.
R EACTIONARY ’ S B ASIC A SSUMPTIONS Man has moved away from the correct values of the past. Man must be brought back to a past condition of quality of life through the use of violence. The groups who have corrupted society must be removed. Compromise of ideas is treason. Change is BAD. Return to the PAST. Military strike first at enemies. Maintain power at all costs. Long established rules are good.
E LEMENTS International (global) Nationalistic
E LEMENTS International Individual morals Nationalistic Moralistic
E LEMENTS International Individual morals Change is good Nationalistic Moralistic Traditionalist
E LEMENTS Internationalist Individual morals Change is good Domestic emphasis Nationalist Moralistic Traditionalist Militaristic
E LEMENTS Internationalist Individual morals Change is good Domestic emphasis Brotherhood of man (community) Nationalistic Moralistic Traditionalist Militaristic Individual Responsibility
E LEMENTS Internationalist Individual Morals Change is good Domestic emphasis Brotherhood (com) Expansive Gov. Nationalistic Moralistic Traditionalistic Militaristic Individual responsibility Limited Gov.
E LEMENTS Internationalist Individual needs Change is good Domestic emphasis Brotherhood (com.) Expansive Gov. Fair market Nationalistic Moralistic Traditionalistic Militaristic Individual Responsibility Limited Gov. Free Market
E LEMENTS Internationalist Individual Morals Change is good Domestic emphasis Brotherhood (com) Expansive Gov. Fair Market “Just” capitalism Nationalistic Moralistic Traditionalist Militaristic Individual Responsibility Limited Gov. Free Market Pure Capitalism
W HICH ARE YOU ? Liberal?
L IBERTARIAN B ASIC A SSUMPTIONS Libertarians have a “hands-off” policy to just about everything. People should be free to do as they choose with their own life and property, as long as you don't harm the person and property of others. The government’s responsibility is to protect the people domestically and internationally. NOT to provide services for the people. To Libertarians, private enterprise and private interests could and should fulfill the social program aspects of the government. No income tax, all taxes would be based on sales. Legalize all forms of drugs, tax them heavily. The general saying is “If it doesn’t directly affect or hurt me, let it happen.”
Ron Paul ran as a Libertarian candidate but remained a registered Republican. Bob Barr ran as the Libertarian candidate for president in the 2008 election.
Where do you belong??? Place yourself on the political spectrum by writing your name on the white line in marker.