{ as language learning Jill Harvey
{ U.S. Senator John Kerry (2004) I’m fascinated by hip-hop. I think there’s a lot of poetry in it. There’s a lot of anger, a lot of social energy in it. And I think you’d better listen to it pretty carefully, ‘cause it’s important.
What does this mean for education? Sampling Layering Flow and Rupture Performance and embodiment Kinetic Consumption Emotional and affective experiences
) ”Embodying Hip-Hop Genius in an educational setting is deeper and more complex than bringing a rap song into an English class, painting a graffiti mural in a hallway, or inviting a breakdance troupe to a school assembly. It involves rethinking the very ways in which learning occurs.” (Seidel, 2011)
- Music reflects language trends by decade (40's swing bebop, 50's rock n roll, 70's drugs, and 2000's hip hop - Hip-hop bridges a cultural divide, and breaks wide open the ruptured nature of language.
You’re so indecisive of what I’m saying Trying to catch the beat, make up your heart. Don't know if you're happy, or ____________________ Don’t want for us to end where do I start First you wanna go to the left and you want to turn ___________ Wanna argue all day, making love all ____________
“The thing about hip-hop is that it’s from the underground, ideas from the underbelly, from people who have mostly been locked out, who have not been recognized.” -Russell Simmons, co-founder of Def Jam Recordings “Rap is a gimmick, but I’m for the hip-hop, the culture.” - Method Man, hip-hop artist, member of the Wu-Tang Clan “Hip-hop is a vehicle.” -Talib Kweli, hip-hop artist, founding member of Black Star 2 - See more at:
Aponte, C. A. (2013). When hip-hop and education converge: A look into hip-hop based education programs in the United States and Brazil (Honors thesis). Available from Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Research Charbit, N. (2014, July, 17). Students hip hop their way into learning the English language. Retrieved from hip-hop-english-dance-chatelethttp:// hip-hop-english-dance-chatelet Education World. (2015, October, 15). What is hip-hop? A music, history, art and culture lesson. Retrieved from Fiset, M. (2013, September, 3). The power of music: 5 reasons why music helps with language learning. Turn up the tunes to boost your language learning. Retrieved from learning/ learning/ Flocabulary. (2015). Write your own rhymes. Retreived from Kelly, L. L. (2013). Hip-hop literature: The politics, poetics, and power of hip-hop in the English classroom. The English Journal, 102.5,
Kerry, J. (2004, March 30). 20 million questions for John Kerry - Choose or Lose. Retrieved from Kirsch, E., Walter, J. and Zisfein, A. (2015, October 23). Hip-hop lyrics as a primary text in the English classroom. Retrieved from Mateux, S. (2013, May 27). 15 quick ideas for using hip-hop in class. Retrieved from Morrell, E and Duncan-Andrade, J. (2002). Promoting academic literacywith urban youth through engaging hip-hop culture. The English Journal, July, Petchauer, E. (2015). Starting with style: Toward a second wave of hip-hop education research and practice. Urban Education, 50(1), 78–105. Seidel, S. (2011). Hip hop genius: Remixing high school education. Lanam, Maryland, USA. Rowman and Littlefield Publication. Zerodivideorg. (2007, June 28). Hip hop and social justice initiative. Retrieved from