Eagle Creek USA Expansion The Request: 85 acres of land 254 homes Proposed 50’ Rural FLU strip Existing 50’ Rural FLU strip The Commitments: All access is to Narcoossee Road No access to Lake Hart Provide a horse trail The Findings: Deminimus traffic impact Deminimus school impact
Center of Tyson Road looking east Eagle Creek homes with 60’ separation
West end of Tindall Road looking east Current 50’ Rural FLU strip
End of Tindall Road looking east Proposed 50’ Rural FLU strip
Proposed Tindall Road Buffers
Eagle Creek USA Expansion How do we codify these commitments with a comp plan amendment? A concurrent rezoning of the Eagle Creek PD What does the Rural Settlement get? All access to Narcoossee Road No Lake Hart access A strip of Rural FLU to retard any future requests Deeper distance to any future house than current commitments Enhanced physical buffer on Tindall Road A horse trail on Tindall Road