A first polio vaccine discover
Name – Jonas edward salk Born – october 28 – 1914 New york Died – June (80 age) Residensy – New york Nationality – American Known for – polio vaccine discover Notable award – Lasker award
His parents ashkenazi jewish russian immigrant family Join New york university school of medicine Choose to do medical research instead of becoming physician Until 1955 polio was consider as most frighten public health problem Now a days apart from atomic bomb, America’s gretest fear was polio
Victim – children U.S president Franklin D. Roosevelt 1947 accept appointment university of pittsburg school of medicine Take project funded by National foundation for infantile paralysis
He devoted himself to this work for next 7 years. In this 20,000 physician and public health officer 64,000 school personnel, 220,000 volunteers over 1,800,000 school children took part in trial. His sole focus had been to devlop a safe and effective vaccine as rapidly as, with no interest in persnal profit.
Vaccine’s success was made on 12 th april, 1955 SALK was hailed as a ‘MIRACLE WORKER.’ The day was almost become a national day.
In television interview a question was who owned the patent to the vaccine salk replied “There is no patent could you patent the sun.”
In 1960, he founded the salk institute for biological studied in california. Which is today centre for medical and scientific research. Also he continued to conduct research nd publish books.
Man unfolding – 1972 The survival of wisest – 1973 World population and human values – 1981 Anatomy of reality, merging of intution and reason
Salk’s last year were spent searching for vaccine against HIV.
1966, New york times reffered to him as FATHER OF BIOPHYLOSOPHY. Biophylosophy means as the application of biological, evolutionary point of view to phylosophical, cultural, social and psychologist problems.
As a biologist, he belives that his science is on the frontier of tremendous new discoveries, and As a philosopher he is convinced that humanist and artist have joined the scientist to achieve an understanding a man in all physical, mental, spiritual complexity. Such interchange might lead to new and important school of thinkers so he was designated as biophilosopher.
He think that biological knowledge as providing useful analogies for understanding human nature, people think of biology in terms of such practical metters as drug, but its contribution to knowledge about living system and ourselves will in future be equally important. In past man was conserned with death, high mortality. So thier atitude were antideath and antidisease. He says in future his atitude will be expressed in terms of prolife and prohealth.
Past was dominated by death control in future birth control will be more important. He thought that we are co author with nature of our destiny. Also thought that we are the product of process of evolution.
1955 – he was honoured by commonwealth of pennsylvania. Highest award for service by governer. 1955 –university of new york city creats salk scholarship.
1956 – lasker award 1958 – James D Bruce memorial award. 1975 – Jawaharlal Nehru 1957 – Municipal hospital building he conducted his polio research. Renamed Jonas salk hall.