Information competency "the ability to find, evaluate, use, and communicate information in all of its various formats" – Work Group on Information Competence, Commission on Learning Resources and Instructional Technology (CLRIT), California State University (CSU) system.
Association of College and Research Libraries Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education Standards, Performance Indicators, and Outcomes
Standard One The information literate student determines the nature and extent of the information needed.
Performance Indicators: 1.The information literate student defines and articulates the need for information.
Outcomes Include: 1.Confers with instructors and participates in class discussions, peer workgroups, and electronic discussions to identify a research topic, or other information need
1.Efficient and effective accessing of information 2.Critical and competent evaluation of information 3.Accurate and creative use of information
Efficient and effective accessing of information Decide what information is needed: identify sources of information; weigh up the pros and cons of acquiring that information; (if necessary), reassess the information need.
Efficient and effective accessing of information Access information effectively and efficiently: choose the best methods of investigation and information retrieval; design search strategies and put these into practice; retrieve online information in different ways; hone search strategies if necessary; manage information.
Critical and competent evaluation of information (1) Evaluate information critically by comparing with existing knowledge and values: summarize information; develop evaluation criteria and put them into practice; process summarized information and form new ideas;
Critical and competent evaluation of information (2) Evaluate information critically by comparing with existing knowledge and values: compare new knowledge and existing knowledge, decide if new knowledge affects one's values and, if necessary, reconcile differences, compare one's understanding of information with others and, if need be, go back to an earlier stage in the process.
Accurate and creative use of information. Use information effectively to achieve the desired outcome: plan the outcome and then use the new information gained (as well as existing knowledge) to produce it; modify the process as and when required as one goes along; communicate the outcome to others.
Accurate and creative use of information. Understand the issues involved in the use of information. be aware that there are ethical and legal issues involved in the use of information; use this awareness to abide by outside and self-imposed rules, restrictions, etc.
1.Efficient and effective accessing of language 2.Critical and competent evaluation of language 3.Accurate and creative use of language The EFL teacher
Efficient and effective accessing of language curriculum/syllabus/program The EFL teacher
Critical and competent evaluation of language Needs analysis Adapting to current requirements Assessment The EFL teacher
Accurate and creative use of language Lesson planning Getting the messages across to learners The EFL teacher
1.Efficient and effective accessing of language 2.Critical and competent evaluation of language 3.Accurate and creative use of language The EFL learner
Efficient and effective accessing of language Learner expectations “Good” vs “Bad” language learners Classwork vs homework The EFL learner
Critical and competent evaluation of language Process of language assimilation Self-assessment The EFL learner
Accurate and creative use of language From the: Predictable, inappropriate and planned To the: Unpredictable, appropriate and spontaneous The EFL learner