iP ROVIDENTIFY PREPARE PREPARE RESEARCH RESEARCHORGANIZEVALIDATE the info task to gather info within sources for info the info from all sources thesis with final product
IDENTIFY IDENTIFY the information taskIDENTIFY the information task –Select a general topic –Get a broad overview of the topic to aid in your thesis (purpose) statement –Determine keywords and develop questions to guide research to support your thesis/purpose statement To PREPARE
PREPARE PREPARE to gather informationPREPARE to gather information –Determine the best types of sources from databases, free web sites and print materials databasesprint materials databasesprint materials –Develop efficient database searching skills –Critically evaluate free web sources evaluate –Locate sources and the information within the sources To RESEARCH
RESEARCH RESEARCH within the sources for informationRESEARCH within the sources for information –Read or otherwise engage to extract relevant information –Sort, sift and evaluate information while researching –Record and store relevant information –Create source citations for all print and electronic sources while conducing research printelectronicprintelectronic –Return to IDENTIFY as needed to revise thesis statement IDENTIFY To ORGANIZE TO IDENTIFY
ORGANIZE ORGANIZE the information from multiple sourcesORGANIZE the information from multiple sources –Put information together to complete the identified task or address the thesis/purpose statement –Compile a bibliography To VALIDATE NEED MORE INFO? BACK TO RESEARCH
VALIDATE VALIDATE the thesis (purpose) with a final productVALIDATE the thesis (purpose) with a final product –Present final product to support the thesis/purpose statement –Evaluate the product and the research process