COMMON CORE ACADEMY SESSION ELEVEN: RECIPROCAL TEACHING MARCH 14, 2013/APRIL 25, 2013 Participants will identify the goal and principles underlying Reciprocal Teaching (RT), understand the roles and protocols involved in the RT process, and run a RT protocol.
Activator: What internal dialogue do you have when reading a text?
Share and Discuss
Definition of RT Reciprocal Teaching refers to an instructional activity in which the students become the teacher in small group reading sessions.
Goals and Underlying Principles of RT Encourages students to be mindful of their own thought process during reading. Helps students learn to be actively involved and monitor their comprehension as they read. Teaches students to ask questions during reading and make text more comprehensible Structures an internal dialogue for students to actively engage in the content of the text. Increases student comprehension of text.
Think, Write, Pair
Participant Roles of RT
Participant Roles of RT (alt)
Think, Write, Pair
Running the RT Protocol Preparation Whole class – explicitly teach each role One role per class day –modeled aloud then use gradual release Fishbowl – have one group model the process or show a video where the process is used.
Running the RT Protocol cont. Divide your text into at least 4 manageable chunks Protocol Preparation Break the class into groups of 4 Distribute role cards to each group member Distribute text (pre-marked with stopping points) Distribute RT worksheet
Running the RT Protocol cont. Review the protocol and ask students to begin reading When students reach the stopping point they realize their roles (and record responses on their sheet). Members pass the cards to the right and read the next section. Teacher monitors the groups’ progress and intervenes when necessary.
Think, Write, Pair
Running the RT Protocol Model Fishbowl or video then practice? es/reciprocal_teaching/ break
Work Time – Running the RT Protocol In your groups, run the RT protocol with at least one text – goal is for everyone to experience each role.
Think, Write, Pair
Closer What are the benefits and challenges to implementing RT in your classrooms? Additional PD Edmodo – reflections and discussions The code to join the group is: ou2wy8 Production of additional lesson plans Production of lesson plans reflecting RT May 29- Showcase